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Kerli lyrics
Savages [Russian translation]
Пока я угасаю, В тебе появляется искра. Ты мучаешь меня своими сомнениями. Я сожгла все мосты и взломала замки, Но я бессильна в твоем рабстве. Я прок...
Scar Tissue lyrics
Turn my back to the door Feel so much better now Don't even try anymore Nothing left to lose There's a voice that's in the air Saying don't look back ...
Scar Tissue [Croatian translation]
Okrenem leđa vratima Osjećam se toliko bolje sada Više se ni ne trudim Nemam što izgubiti Glas je u zraku Kaže ne gledaj nigdje unazad Glas koji je uv...
Scar Tissue [Italian translation]
Volto le spalle alla porta Mi sento tanto meglio ora Non ci provo nemmeno più Non mi è rimasto niente da perdere C'è una voce nell'aria Che mi dice di...
Scream lyrics
All we ever do is the same old thing Every day's like rain, every word like thunder. All I ever get is a throwaway line Never all your heart, never so...
Kerli - She's In Parties
Learning lines in the rain Special effects by Loonatik and Drinks The graveyard scene The golden years She's in parties It's in the can [x2] Freeze fr...
Speed Limit lyrics
Oh, what a ride I wanna make you mine Spending my time in the waiting line Oh, what a ride My navigation lied And for every green light there's a warn...
Speed Limit [Croatian translation]
Oh, what a ride I wanna make you mine Spending my time in the waiting line Oh, what a ride My navigation lied And for every green light there's a warn...
Spirit Animal lyrics
I whisper, you echo Coiled up like snakes, won't let go Forever, each other We'll fight the tooth and nail for We're star shot, we're night lit We're ...
Spirit Animal [Estonian translation]
Ma olen sosin, sa oled kaja Keerdus kui ussid, mis lahti ei lase Igavesti üksteise eest Võitleme hammaste ja küüntega Tähtedest pimestatud, ööst valgu...
Spirit Animal [French translation]
Je murmure, tu fais écho Enroulés comme des serpents, nous ne nous séparerons pas Pour toujours, l’un et l’autre Nous combattrons avec acharnement Nou...
Spirit Animal [German translation]
Ich flüstere, du wiederholst es wie ein Echo Zusammengerollt wie Schlangen, sie werden nicht loslassen Für immer, gegenseitig Wir werden mit aller Mac...
Spirit Animal [Italian translation]
Io sussurro, tu sei l’eco Avvinghiati come serpenti, non ci lasceremo Mai, noi due Per questo lotteremo con le unghie e coi denti Siamo esplosioni di ...
Spirit Animal [Russian translation]
Я шепчу, а твое эхо Свернулось, как змеи, и не опустит Нас никогда... Мы будем бороться изо всех сил... Мы - звездный залп, мы - ночное сияние. Мы - в...
Spirit Animal [Serbian translation]
Ja šapućem, ti odjekuješ sklupčani smo kao zmije, ne puštamo Zauvijek, jedno za drugo borićemo se svim silama Sjajni kao zvijezde, obasjani kao noć Mi...
Spirit Animal [Spanish translation]
Yo susurro, tu haces eco Errollados como serpientes, no te dejaré ir Por siempre, el uno con el otro Pelearemos con diente y uña Somos bala de estrell...
Spirit Animal [Spanish translation]
Yo susurro, tú resonas Arrollados como culebras, no te dejaré ir Por siempre, cada uno Lucharemos con uñas y dientes Somos tiros de estrellas, somos l...
Strange Boy lyrics
You should never leave me home alone [2x] Heaven knows where I might wanna go Everything I do is oh so wrong That's why you like it When you ask if yo...
Sugar lyrics
Oooh la la, ah, be sweet like sugar, ah Oooh la la, ah, treat me forever, ah Let me melt your solid heart I'll let you skip it super good Straight to ...
Supergirl lyrics
You don't wanna see Everything that I can be You say I'm not pretty That no one else would fall for me You're like a bully on the playground You just ...
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