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Anna Tatangelo lyrics
Averti qui [Romanian translation]
A început ca un joc această iubire între noi Nu era niciun motiv de a avea totul și apoi Dacă vrei...zburăm înăuntrul nostru Părea la fel de inofensiv...
Averti qui [Russian translation]
Эта любовь родилась между нами как игра Не было причин для нее, а потом Если хочешь ...и мы летим Казалось неуловимым, как здешний туман Встретиться н...
Bastardo lyrics
C'è una ragione di più l'hai detto... ma che bravo ma questa parte di te davvero la ignoravo. Non me l'aspettavo davvero è come bere il più potente ve...
Bastardo [Azerbaijani translation]
Sebeb ancaq bunda deyil'' Sen dedin... Nece qocaqsan Men seni heqiqeten bele tanimirdim, Men hec belesini gozlemirdim, Bu sanki en guclu zeheri icmek ...
Bastardo [Bosnian translation]
Nema više razloga, rekao si... bravo! ali ovaj dio tebe zaista sam ignorisala. Nisam očekivala, zaista to je kao ispijanje najmoćnijeg otrova to je go...
Bastardo [English translation]
There is one more reason You said... Great But this part of you I really didn't see. I didn't really expect this It's like drinking the strongest pois...
Bastardo [English translation]
There's one more reason, You said. Bravo! But this part of you, I really looked pass it I really didn't expect it It's like drinking the most powerful...
Bastardo [English translation]
There is one more reason you said ... but good but this part of you really did not know. I did not expect really is like drinking poison is bitter I b...
Bastardo [French translation]
Il y a une raison de plus Tu l'as dit, mais bon Mais cette partie de toi Je l'ignorais vraiment Vraiment, je ne me l'attendais pas C'est comme boire l...
Bastardo [French translation]
Il ya une raison de plus vous avez dit ... mais bon mais cette partie de vous ne savais vraiment pas. Je ne m'attendais pas vraiment c'est comme boire...
Bastardo [Greek translation]
Υπαρχει ενας λόγος παραπάνω το είπες... μα τι καλός μα αυτήτην πλευρά σου πραγματικά την αγνοούσα δεν το περιμενα πραγματικα ειναι σαν να πίνω ισχυρό ...
Bastardo [Hungarian translation]
Csak még egy okod van Ezt mondtad...Milyen jó Hogy ezt a részedet Én tényleg nem vettem tudomásul. Én tényleg nem vettem észre Olyan mintha a legerőse...
Bastardo [Persian translation]
یک دلیل دیگر هم وجود دارد ابن را گفتی...آن هم چه خوب ولی این قسمت تورا واقعا فراموش می کنم واقعا انتظار نداشتم مثل نوشیدن یک زهر قویست و تلخ لطفا انکا...
Bastardo [Russian translation]
«Причина не только в этом» ты сказал... Какой молодец Я и вправду тебя таким не знала, Я совсем такого не ожидала, Это как выпить самого сильного яда,...
Bastardo [Slovak translation]
"A je tu ešte jeden dôvod," povedal si... Gratulujem! *ironicky* Ale túto tvoju stránku som vskutku nepoznala. Naozaj som to vôbec nečakala. A je to h...
Bastardo [Spanish translation]
Hay una razón más Lo dijiste, pero bueno Pero esta parte de ti De veras, lo ignoraba No me lo esperaba de veras Es como beber el veneno más poderoso E...
Bastardo [Turkish translation]
Bir neden daha var Sen dedin... Aman ne güzel Senin bu özelliğini Aslında inkar ediyordum Gerçekten bunu beklemiyordum En güçlü zehri içmek gibi Acı L...
Chiedere scusa lyrics
Per restare qui Ho trattenuto il fiato Quanto basta per nascondere il respiro Per restare qui Ho rimandato tutto Ho vestito ogni giorno il suo contrar...
Chiedere scusa [English translation]
To stay here I've hold my breath Just enough To hide my breath To stay here I postpone everything Everyday I wore the oppiste But when you leave the d...
Chiedere scusa [Portuguese translation]
Para ficar aqui Eu prendi o fôlego O quanto bastasse para esconder a respiração Para ficar aqui Eu adiei tudo Eu vesti o contrário de todo dia Mas qua...
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