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Don Moen lyrics
The Mercy Seat [Spanish translation]
En la oscuridad Donde todo es desconocido He enfrentado sola el poder del pecado No tenía conocimiento, de un lugar al que podía ir Donde pudiera enco...
Trust in the Lord lyrics
Chorus: Trust in the Lord with all your heart In all your ways acknowledge Hin And He shall direct And He shall direct your path He will not allow you...
We Wait lyrics
Spoken We wait for You Lord, We wait for You Lord We ask You to forgive us for being in a hurry With our lives We all lead such busy, busy lives Forgi...
We Wait [Italian translation]
[Parlato] Ti aspettiamo, Signore, Ti aspettiamo, Signore Ti chiediamo di perdonarci per la fretta Con cui viviamo Conduciamo tutti delle vite molto im...
We Wait [Spanish translation]
Hablado: Esperamos por Ud., Dios, Esperamos por el Señor Le pedimos que nos perdone por siempre tenermos prisa En nuestras vidas Estamos siempre ocupa...
Wonderful, Magnificent God lyrics
Wonderful, Magnificent God Verse 1: At Your feet I bow There is none like You For all that I have found All I want is You For all the wonders You do A...
Your Steadfast Love lyrics
Your steadfast love Extends to the heavens Your faithfulness Reaches the clouds Your righteousness Is like majestic mountains And Your wisdom Like the...
Your Steadfast Love [Italian translation]
Il tuo amore risoluto si estende fino al paradiso la tua Fede raggiunge le nuvole la tua giustizia è come le montagne maestose e la tua saggezza le pr...
Your Steadfast Love [Spanish translation]
Tu amor constante Se extiende por los cielos Tu cr´edito Alcanzando las nubes Tu justicia Es como monta~nas majestuosas Y tu sabidur´ia Como las profu...
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