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Gene Autry also performed lyrics
The Yellow Rose of Texas [Spanish translation]
There's a yellow rose in Texas, I'm going there to see No other fella knows her, nobody else but me She cried so when I left her, it like to broke her...
You Belong to My Heart [Now and Forever]
You belong to my heart Now and forever And our love had its start Not long ago We were gathering stars while a million guitars played our love song Wh...
You Belong to My Heart [Now and Forever] [German translation]
Du gehörst zu meinem Herzen Jetzt und für immer, Und unsere Liebe nahm ihren Anfang, Es ist noch nicht lange her. Wir haben Sterne gesammelt, Während ...
You Are My Sunshine
The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping I dreamed I held you in my arms But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken Then I hung my head and I cried. Ref: ...
You Are My Sunshine [Czech translation]
Onehdy v noci, drahá, když jsem spal, zdálo se mi, že tě v náručí mám, ale ráno jsem zjistil, že jsem tu sám, tak sklonil jsem hlavu a slzy sypal. Ref...
The Yellow Rose of Texas lyrics
There's a yellow rose in Texas, that I am gonna see Nobody else could miss her, not half as much as me She cried so when I left her, it like to broke ...
The Yellow Rose of Texas [German translation]
Es gibt eine Gelbe Rose in Texas, die werd ich wiederseh'n Niemand sonst könnte sie vermissen, nicht halb so sehr wie ich Sie weinte so sehr, als ich ...
The Yellow Rose of Texas [Italian translation]
C’è una rosa gialla in Texas che devo andare a vedere Nessun altro ne sentirebbe la mancanza, neanche la metà di me Quando la lasciai lei piangeva tan...
The Yellow Rose of Texas [Swedish translation]
Jag ska se henne i Texas, min gula blomma där och inga andra karlar har henne lika kär Hon grät när jag begav mig, det smärtade mig så och återser jag...
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