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Beau Dermott lyrics
Sunlight comes creeping in Illuminates our skin We watch the day go by Stories of all we did It made me think of you It made me think of you Under a t...
Tears In Heaven
Would you know my name If I saw you in heaven? Would it be the same If I saw you in heaven? I must be strong And carry on 'Cause I know I don't belong...
Tears In Heaven [French translation]
Connaîtrais-tu mon nom Si je te voyais au paradis ? Serait-ce la même chose Si je te voyais au paradis ? Je dois être fort Et persévérer Car je sais q...
Defying Gravity
Something has changed within me Something is not the same I'm through with playing by The rules of someone else's game Too late for second-guessing To...
Fight Song
Like a small boat On the ocean Sending big waves Into motion Like how a single word Can make a heart open I might only have one match But I can make a...
Over The Rainbow lyrics
Somewhere, over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby Somewhere, over the rainbow Skies are blue And the dreams tha...
Brave lyrics
Quiet and cold Misty moss with a wisps glow grey But I will find my way I will find my way I can hear now The war drums so loud Broken bonds need mend...
Colours Of The Wind lyrics
You think you own whatever land you land on The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life, has a...
Colours Of The Wind [French translation]
Tu penses que tu possèdes toutes les terres où tu atterris, Que la Terre n'est qu'une chose morte que tu peux réclamer. Mais je sais que chaque rocher...
Colours Of The Wind [Greek translation]
Νομίζεις πως σου ανήκει όποια γη πατάς Η Γη είναι ένα νεκρό πράγμα που μπορείς να το διεκδικήσεις Όμως εγώ ξέρω πως κάθε πέτρα και δέντρο και πλάσμα Έ...
Colours Of The Wind [Serbian translation]
Ti misliš da poseduješ svu zemlju na koju staneš Da je Zemlja samo mrtva stvar koju možeš imati Ali ja znam da svaki kamen i drvo i stvorenje Ima živo...
I Dreamed A Dream lyrics
I dreamed a dream in time gone by When hope was high and life worth living I dreamed that love would never die I dreamed that God would be forgiving T...
I'm Not That Girl lyrics
Hands touch, eyes meet Sudden silence, sudden heat Hearts leap in a giddy whirl He could be that boy But I'm not that girl Don't dream too far Don't l...
Reflection lyrics
Look at me I will never pass For a perfect bride, Or a perfect daughter Can it be? I'm not meant to play this part? Now I see, That if I were truly to...
Someone Like You lyrics
I peer through windows, Watch life go by, Dream of tomorrow, And wonder "why"? The past is holding me, Keeping life at bay, I wander lost in yesterday...
Sparkles lyrics
Caught in a never-ending game Seems like the world Is always trying to tame me I've got a heart that won't obey. And it's a struggle every day. I keep...
When She Loved Me lyrics
When somebody loved me, Everything was beautiful Every hour we spent together Lives within my heart. And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tear...
When You Wish Upon A Star lyrics
When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is to...
When You Wish Upon A Star [French translation]
Lorsque tu fais un vœu Peu importe où tu te trouves Tout ce que ton cœur désire Viendra à toi Si ton cœur est dans ton rêve Nulle requête n'est trop e...
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