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Kerry Ellis also performed lyrics
Ben E. King - I [Who Have Nothing]
I, I who have nothing I, I who have no one Adore you, and want you so I'm just a no one With nothing to give you but love I love you He, he buys you d...
I [Who Have Nothing] [German translation]
I, I who have nothing I, I who have no one Adore you, and want you so I'm just a no one With nothing to give you but love I love you He, he buys you d...
I [Who Have Nothing] [Persian translation]
I, I who have nothing I, I who have no one Adore you, and want you so I'm just a no one With nothing to give you but love I love you He, he buys you d...
I [Who Have Nothing] [Romanian translation]
I, I who have nothing I, I who have no one Adore you, and want you so I'm just a no one With nothing to give you but love I love you He, he buys you d...
I [Who Have Nothing] [Turkish translation]
I, I who have nothing I, I who have no one Adore you, and want you so I'm just a no one With nothing to give you but love I love you He, he buys you d...
Les Misérables [Musical] - I Dreamed a Dream
There was a time when men were kind When their voices were soft And their words inviting There was a time when love was blind And the world was a song...
I Dreamed a Dream [Catalan translation]
Va haver-hi un temps quan els homes eren gentils, Les seves veus eren suaus I, les seves paraules, temptadores. Va haver-hi un temps quan l'amor era c...
I Dreamed a Dream [Chinese translation]
从前,人们是和善的 他们谈吐温柔 言语让人沉醉 从前,在盲目的爱情里 世界像一首 让人欢欣的歌谣 从前是这样; 而后一落千丈。 从前我曾有梦 那时生活丰美 有无限的希望 我梦想爱情永不消逝 我梦想上帝宽容慈悲 那时我年轻,不知畏惧 编织许多梦想,又一一浪费 没有赎金要支付 唱尽欢乐的歌 尝遍甘美的酒...
I Dreamed a Dream [Chinese translation]
曾經有個時候當人們是友善的 當他們的聲線柔和 還有他們語帶邀請 曾經有個時候當愛是盲目 還有世界是一首歌 而這首歌是令人興奮的 曾經有個時候 然後一切都走了樣 我夢到一個夢,當時間流逝 當希望是很遠大的 而生命是值得過的 我夢到愛永恆不死 我夢到上帝是寬宏大量的 那時我年輕無懼 夢做了,用了,又浪費...
I Dreamed a Dream [Danish translation]
Der var en tid hvor mænd var venlige Hvor deres stemmer var bløde And deres ord inviterende Der var en tid hvor kærlighed var blind Og verden var en s...
I Dreamed a Dream [Dutch translation]
Er was een tijd toen mannen lief waren Toen hun stemmen zacht waren En hun worden uitnodigend Er was een tijd toen lievde blind was En de wereld een l...
I Dreamed a Dream [Dutch translation]
Eens toonden mannen zich je vrind, met de stem aangenaam met het woord jou behagend eens was de liefde groots en blind En de wereld een lied, en het l...
I Dreamed a Dream [Finnish translation]
Kerran oli aika, kun miehet olivat ystävällisiä Kun heidän äänensä olivat pehmeitä Ja äänensä kutsuvia Kerran oli aika, kun rakkaus oli sokeaa Ja maai...
I Dreamed a Dream [Finnish translation]
Oli aika milloin miehet olivat kilttejä Kun heidän äänensä pehmeitä olivat Ja heidän maailma oli viehättävä Oli aika jolloin rakkaus oli sokeaa Ja maa...
Diamonds Are Forever [Romanian translation]
Diamantele sunt pentru totdeauna, Sunt tot ce am nevoie să-mi facă plăcere, Mă pot stimula şi tachina, Nu vor pleca noaptea, Nu mi-e frică că ar putea...
Diamonds Are Forever [Serbian translation]
Dijmanti su večni Oni su sve što mi treba da me zadovolje Oni mogu da me stimulišu i zadirkuju Oni neće otići u noći Nemam straha da mi mogli da me na...
Diamonds Are Forever [Spanish translation]
Los diamantes son para siempre son todo lo que necesito para complacerme pueden estimularme y burlarme no te van a dejar en la noche no tengo miedo de...
Diamonds Are Forever [Swedish translation]
Diamanter är eviga, Dom är den enda jag behöver Dom kan stimulera och reta mig, Dom ska inte lämna mig inatt, Jag är inte rädd för dom lämnar mig kvar...
Diamonds Are Forever [Tongan translation]
Ta'engata 'a e fuifui taimone Ko ia pe 'oku ou fie ma'u keu fakatolia Nau fakamaanava'i mo launoa mai 'Ikai te nau 'alu mei he po'uli 'Ikai ma'u ilifi...
Diamonds Are Forever [Turkish translation]
her zaman elmaslar bütün ihtiyacım olan onlar beni canlandırabilir ve kızdırabilirler geceleyin bırakmazlar ortada içimdekileri öldürürler diye korkum...
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