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Kerry Ellis also performed lyrics
Wicked [Musical] - Defying Gravity
Glinda: Elphaba - why couldn't you have stayed calm for once, instead of flying off the handle!? I hope you're happy I hope you're happy now I hope yo...
Defying Gravity [Danish translation]
GLINDA: (talt) Elphaba! Hvorfor kunne du ikke være stille - i stedet for at flyve på det skaft! Jeg håber, du er tilfreds! (sunget) Jeg håber, du er t...
Defying Gravity [Dutch translation]
Glinda: Elphaba, waarom kon je nou niet voor één keer kalm blijven, in plaats van driftig worden! Ik hoop dat je blij bent! Ik hoop dat je nu blij ben...
Defying Gravity [Finnish translation]
Glinda: Elphaba - miksi et olisit voinut pysyä rauhallisena vain yhden kerran toisin kun menettää malttisi? Toivon että olet onnellinen Toivon että ny...
Defying Gravity [French translation]
GLINDA (parlé) Elphaba - pourquoi n'as tu pas pu rester tranquille pour Une fois, au lieu de te laisser emporter ! J'espère que tu es satisfaite ! (ch...
Defying Gravity [German translation]
Glinda: Elphaba, warum bist du nicht ausnahmsweise mal ruhig geblieben, statt aus der Haut zu fahren!? Ich hoffe, du bist glücklich Ich hoffe, du bist...
Defying Gravity [Greek translation]
Ελφάβα-γιατί δεν μπορούσες να μείνεις ήσυχος για μια φορά,αντί να πέταγες τον έλεγχο! Ελπίζω να είσαι χαρούμενος! Ελπίζω να είσαι χαρούμενος τώρα Ελπί...
Defying Gravity [Italian translation]
Glinda: Elphaba - perché non hai potuto restare calma per una volta, invece di perdere le staffe!? Spero tu sia felice Spero tu sia felice adesso Sper...
Defying Gravity [Italian translation]
Glinda: Elphaba - perché non sei rimasta calma per una volta, invece di perdere le staffe!? Spero tu sia felice Spero tu sia felice ora Spero tu sia f...
Defying Gravity [Latin translation]
Elphaba! Cur tu es semper tam irata? Potesne esse molle? Esne beata? Esne beata nunc? Esne beata quod tua res ruet? Bene acutula! Esne beata? Esne bea...
Defying Gravity [Russian translation]
ГЛИНДА: Эльфаба! Почему ты не можешь вести себя спокойно хоть немного, а не слетать с тормозов? Надеюсь, ты рада. Надеюсь, ты счастлива сейчас. Надеюс...
Defying Gravity [Spanish translation]
Elphaba, ¿por qué no pudiste quedarte tranquila por una vez, en lugar de volar de la manija? ¡Espero que estés contenta! ¡Espero que estés contenta ah...
Defying Gravity [Spanish translation]
GLINDA: Elphaba - ¿por qué no podrías haber mantenido la calma por una vez, en vez de volar de la manija? Espero que estés feliz Espero que estes feli...
Defying Gravity [Turkish translation]
GLINDA: Elphaba, neden bir kez olsun sakin kalamadın? Çılgına dönmek yerine! Umarım mutlusundur Umarım mutlusundur şimdi Umarım mutlusundur Hedefini s...
Defying Gravity [Turkish translation]
Glinda : Elphaba - Neden sadece bir kez olsun sakin olamadın ? Kapıdan kaçmak yerine ! Umarım mutlusundur Umarım mutlusundur şimdi Umarım mutlusundur ...
Diamonds Are Forever lyrics
Diamonds are forever They are all I need to please me They can stimulate and tease me They won't leave in the night I've no fear that they might deser...
Diamonds Are Forever [Arabic translation]
الألماس إلي الأبد هم ما أحتاج ليسعيدوني هم يحركوا ما بداخلي و ما يعبثوا بي هم لن يغادروا في الليل و لن أخاف بأنهم سيتروكوني الألماس إلي الأبد أمسك واح...
Diamonds Are Forever [Bosnian translation]
Dijamanti su zauvijek Oni su sve što mi treba da me zadovolji Oni me mogu potaknuti i zadirkivati Neće me ostaviti u noći Nemam straha da bi me mogli ...
Oliver! [Musical] - As Long as He Needs Me
NANCY As long as he needs me Oh yes, he does need me In spite of what you see I'm sure that he needs me Who else would love him still When they've bee...
As Long as He Needs Me [Turkish translation]
NANCY O bana ihtiyaç duyduğu sürece Ah evet, onun bana ihtiyacı var Sizin gördüklerinize rağmen Eminim ki onun bana ihtiyacı var Başka kim onu sevmeye...
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