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Lorne Greene lyrics
Cool Water
All day I've faced the barren waste Without the taste of water, cool water Old Dan and I with throats burned dry And souls that cry for water, Cool, c...
Cool Water [German translation]
All day I've faced the barren waste Without the taste of water, cool water Old Dan and I with throats burned dry And souls that cry for water, Cool, c...
Alamo lyrics
180 were challenged by Travis to die By a line that he drew with his sword As the battle drew nigh A man that crossed over the line was for glory And ...
As Time Goes By lyrics
This day and age we're living in Gives cause for apprehension With speed and new invention And things like third dimension Yet we get a trifle weary W...
Bonanza lyrics
We chased Lady Luck, 'till we finally struck Bonanza With a gun and a rope and a hatful of hope, We planted our family tree We got a hold of a pot ful...
Bonanza [German translation]
We chased Lady Luck, 'till we finally struck Bonanza With a gun and a rope and a hatful of hope, We planted our family tree We got a hold of a pot ful...
Du Sable lyrics
Ils bravèrent toute la nature, ces hommes de l'Ouest ! Les montagnes, les prairies, les fleuves ! Voici l'histoire d'un prospecteur Qui affronta le pi...
Du Sable [German translation]
Ils bravèrent toute la nature, ces hommes de l'Ouest ! Les montagnes, les prairies, les fleuves ! Voici l'histoire d'un prospecteur Qui affronta le pi...
Five Card Stud [Wally Gold] lyrics
Two years ago on a hot rainy night A visitor rode into town He tied up his horse at the Rainbow Café And he bought ev'rybody a round Hey, bartender, b...
Five Card Stud [Wally Gold] [German translation]
Two years ago on a hot rainy night A visitor rode into town He tied up his horse at the Rainbow Café And he bought ev'rybody a round Hey, bartender, b...
Geronimo lyrics
The moon shone down with an eerie light And cast its beam on the lonely night. Shadows danced, a fluttering breeze Stirred dead branches in the trees....
Geronimo [German translation]
The moon shone down with an eerie light And cast its beam on the lonely night. Shadows danced, a fluttering breeze Stirred dead branches in the trees....
Ghost Riders in the Sky lyrics
An old cowpoke went riding out One dark and windy day, Upon a ridge he rested As he went along his way, When all at once a mighty herd Of red-eyed cow...
Ghost Riders in the Sky [German translation]
Ein alter Cowboy ritt hinaus, Der Tag war dunkel, stark der Wind. Auf einer Höhe machte er Rast, Nahm weiter dann seinen Weg, Als er plötzlich am wild...
I'm a Gun lyrics
I was born in the blast of a furnace of steel And I wondered what shape I would be I was hard, I was cold, I was just a day old And I wondered what fu...
I'm a Gun [German translation]
Ich wurde in der Gluthitze eines Stahlofens geboren, Und ich fragte mich, welche Form ich haben würde. Ich war hart, ich war kalt, ich war nur einen T...
In The Pines lyrics
The longest train I ever saw Was in the Georgia pines The train came by at six o'clock The cab came by at nine The prettiest girl I ever saw Lived dow...
Pony Express lyrics
He came in and sits down at the end of the bar His old rawhide shirt full of dust He asked for a glass and he ordered rye whiskey He talked to himself...
Ringo lyrics
He lay face down in the desert sand Clutching his six-gun in his hand Shot from behind, I thought he was dead But under his heart was an ounce of lead...
Ringo [German translation]
Er lag mit dem Gesicht nach unten im Wüstensand, Den Sechsschuss-Revolver noch fest in der Hand. Erschossen von hinten, ich dachte, er sei tot, Denn u...
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