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Lorne Greene also performed lyrics
Stan Jones - [Ghost] Riders in the Sky
Yippie-yi-aie, Yippie-yi-oh! An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a ...
[Ghost] Riders in the Sky [German translation]
Yippie-yi-aie, Yippie-yi-oh! An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a ...
[Ghost] Riders in the Sky [Hebrew translation]
Yippie-yi-aie, Yippie-yi-oh! An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a ...
[Ghost] Riders in the Sky [Russian translation]
Yippie-yi-aie, Yippie-yi-oh! An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way When all at once a ...
Johnny Cash - Bonanza
The claim we hold is a good as gold bonanza Hand in hand we built this land, the Ponderosa Ranch Our birthright is this Cartwright bonanza We here bel...
Bonanza [German translation]
Der Claim, den wir haben, ist so gut wie Gold Hand in Hand bauten wir dieses Land, die Ponderosa Ranch Unser Geburtsrecht ist diese Cartwright-Bonanza...
Bonanza [Italian translation]
La rivendicazione che sosteniamo è buona come una miniera d' oro: Mano nella mano abbiamo costruito questa terra, il Ranch Ponderosa. Nostro diritto d...
Frankie Laine - Sixteen Tons
Some people say a man is made outta mud A poor man's made outta muscle and blood Muscle and blood and skin and bone With a mind that's weak and a back...
Sixteen Tons [German translation]
Manche Leute sagen, der Mensch sei gemacht aus Schlamm. Ein armer Mann bestehe aus Muskeln und Blut. Muskel und Blut und Haut und Knochen, Mit einem s...
Frankie Laine - Cool Water
All day I've faced a barren waste Without the taste of water, cool water Old Dan and I with throats burned dry And souls that cry for water Cool, clea...
Cool Water [German translation]
Den ganzen Tag sah ich nichts als Ödland, Ohne einen Hauch von Wasser, kühlem Wasser. Old Dan und ich, mit ausgedörrten Kehlen Und Seelen, die nach Wa...
Marty Robbins - Cool Water
All day I've faced a barren waste Without the taste of water, cool water Old Dan and I with throats burned dry And souls that cry for water Cool, clea...
Cool Water [French translation]
Toute la journée j'ai fais face à un terrain désertique sans trace d'eau, d'eau fraîche. Le vieux Dan et moi avions la gorge sèche et brûlée Et nos âm...
Cool Water [German translation]
Den ganzen Tag sah ich nichts als Ödland, Ohne den Genuss von Wasser, kühlem Wasser. Old Dan und ich mit ausgedörrten Kehlen Und Seelen, die nach Wass...
Cool Water [Romanian translation]
Toată ziua am dat peste un deșert sterp, Fără să gust apă, apă rece. Bătrânul Dan și cu mine, cu gâturile uscate Și suflete ce țipă după apă, Rece, li...
Cool Water [Spanish translation]
Todo el día me he enfrentado a un erial, Sin el sabor de agua, de agua fría, Old Dan y yo con la garganta seca quemada, Y las almas que claman por agu...
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