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Lifehouse lyrics
Anchor lyrics
I stand with a blank expression now and I can't believe myself would someone tell me how did I get here I am walking changing slowly I am chasing clim...
Anchor [Turkish translation]
Şimdi boş bir ifade ile oturuyorum Kendime inanamıyorum Birisi bana söyleyebilir mi Nasıl buraya geldiğimi... Yürüyorum, Yavaşça değişerek Kovalıyorum...
Angeline lyrics
Now I'm just a mess, saw that girl in that sundress on that morning. Angel kisses on her face. It's 4 am, I can't rest, it's all your fault. Yeah, I g...
Barricade lyrics
I can feel you step away now subtle but these things I’ve grown to learn. It’s in the way you’re moving hearts around but I’m climbing on top right ov...
Barricade [Spanish translation]
I can feel you step away now subtle but these things I’ve grown to learn. It’s in the way you’re moving hearts around but I’m climbing on top right ov...
Best of Me [What's Left of Me] lyrics
I traded me in, sold my soul. That's what you wanted. And I gave you the wheel, I gave you control. That's what you wanted. What a letdown, letting my...
Better luck next time lyrics
Sometimes we fall Ain't nothing new to me Don't care, move on I must say you gave up for this time now (Chorus) Stop, tell me, where you going? Maybe ...
Better luck next time [Serbian translation]
Ponekad padnemo To nije ništa novo za mene Ne brini, nastavi Moram ti reći da ovog puta odustaneš Refren: Stani, reci mi kuda ideš Možda taj koga voli...
Better luck next time [Spanish translation]
A veces caemos Eso no es nada nuevo para mi Que no te importe, sigue adelante Debo decir que te diste por vencida esta vez (Coro) Detente, dime, ¿A dó...
Between The Raindrops lyrics

Lyrics removed on request of copyright owners

Blind lyrics
I was young but I wasn't naive I watched helpless as you turned around to leave And still I have the pain I have to carry A past so deep that even you...
Blind [French translation]
J'étais jeune, mais je n'étais pas naïf, J'ai t'ai regardée te détourner avec impuissance Et malgré tout, j'ai toujours cette douleur à porter, Un pas...
Blind [Hungarian translation]
Fiatal voltam, de nem naiv, Tehetetlenül néztem, ahogy megfordulsz és elhagysz, És még mindig fáj, de tovább kell lépnem, A múlt olyan mész, hogy nem ...
Blind [Romanian translation]
Eram tânăr, dar nu şi naiv, Neputincios, te-am privit cum te-ai întors şi ai plecat, Şi încă mai simt durerea ce trebuie s-o port, Un trecut atât de a...
Blind [Russian translation]
Я был молод, но не наивный, Я безпомощно смотрел как ты развернулась чтоб уйти, И до сих пор мне приходитьса терпеть эту боль, Настолько прошлое глубо...
Blind [Serbian translation]
Bio sam mlad, ali nisam bio naivan Bespomoćno sam gledao dok si odlazila I još uvek imam bolove, moram se nositi Sa prošlošću tako dubokom da je čak n...
Blind [Spanish translation]
Yo era joven pero no ingenuo Observé desvalido, como dabas la vuelta para marcharte Y aún tengo conmigo el dolor que debo cargar Un pasado tan profund...
Blind [Turkish translation]
gençtim ama toy değil terketmek için etrafta dolandığında çaresizliği gördüm hala bu acıya sahibim ve taşımak zorundayım yorulupta gömemediğin o geçmi...
Breathing lyrics
I'm finding my way back to sanity again Though I don't really know what I'm going to do when I get there Take a breath and hold on tight Spin around o...
Breathing [Greek translation]
Bρίσκω τον δρόμο της λογικής ξανά Αν και δεν ξέρω τι Θα κάνω όταν φτάσω εκεί Παίρνω μιά ανάσα και κρατώ δυνατά Κάνε στροφή άλλη μία φορά Και με χάρη π...
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