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Richie Havens also performed lyrics
Bob Dylan - It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast Yonder stands your orphan with his ...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [Bulgarian translation]
Трябва да напуснеш сега, вземи каквото мислиш, че ще издържи Но каквото искаш да запазиш, по-добре бързо да го грабнеш ти Ето там стои сирака с пистол...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [French translation]
Tu dois partir maintenant, emporte tout ce dont tu as besoin, que tu penses non périssable Mais quoi que ce soit que tu veux conserver, tu ferais mieu...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [German translation]
Du musst jetzt gehen, nimm was du brauchst und wovon du glaubst, dass es dir bleibt Aber was immer du auch mitnehmen willst, am besten nimmst du es ga...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [German translation]
Du musst jetzt gehen, nimm was du brauchst, was du denkst, das halten wird. Aber was immer du auch behalten willst, greif es dir lieber schnell. Drübe...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [Greek translation]
Πρέπει να φύγεις τώρα, πάρε ό,τι θέλεις, ό,τι νομίζεις πως θα κρατήσει. Αλλά ό,τι επιθυμείς να κρατήσεις, καλύτερα να το αρπάξεις γρήγορα. Εκεί πέρα σ...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [Portuguese translation]
Você tem que sair agora, leve o que precisar, o que acha que vai durar Mas o que quer que você queira guardar, melhor agarrar logo Lá está seu órfão c...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [Russian translation]
Теперь тебе пора, – С собой, должна что взять, бери, Дороже, что всего тебе, – Скорей с собою прихвати. Вон там твой ”Сирота”1 с ружьем своим стоит И,...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [Russian translation]
Тебе пора, возьми с собой, что надо взять. Но спеши, твои часы начнут быстрей стучать. Ты видишь, вон в слезах твой сирота? Со стволом в руке стоит он...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [Serbian translation]
Moraš da kreneš,uzmi šta hoćeš,šta će da traje. Ali uzmi što pre,šta bilo da je. Tvoje siroče,s puškom,već vapije i bunca, Cepti i trepti,ko oganj, ko...
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue [Swedish translation]
Ge dig av nu, ta det du tror du måste ha Du får skynda dig att packa, för nu är det dags att dra Du har inte märkt att någon har siktat på dig nu i fl...
Golden Kids - Časy se mění [The Times They Are A-Changin']
[Skladba x2 s odlišnou závěrečnou slokou] Sem pojďte blíž lidé, dny i týdny jdou A mraky se toulaj a vlny se dmou A spustí se déšť na čtyřicet dní Prš...
Časy se mění [The Times They Are A-Changin'] [English translation]
[Track x2 with different final verse] Here folks, come closer, days and weeks go by and the clouds wander and the waves surge and the rain will fall f...
Paolo Nutini - Freedom [Richie Havens cover]
Freedom freedom freedom freedom Freedom freedom freedom freedom Sometimes I feel like I’m almost gone Sometimes I feel like I’m almost gone Sometimes ...
Freedom [Richie Havens cover] [Hungarian translation]
Szabadság szabadság szabadság szabadság Szabadság szabadság szabaság szabadság Néha úgy érzem, eltávolodtam Néha úgy érzem, eltávolodtam Néha úgy érze...
Freedom [Richie Havens cover] [Spanish translation]
Libertad libertad libertad libertad Libertad libertad libertad libertad A veces me siento como si casi hubiera desaparecido A veces me siento como si ...
10cc - I'm Not in Love [Single Edit]
I'm not in love, so don't forget it It's just a silly phase I'm going through And just because I call you up Don't get me wrong, don't think you've go...
Jefferson Airplane - High Flyin' Bird
There's a high flyin' bird, flying way up in the sky, And I wonder if she looks down, as she goes on by? Well, she's flying so freely in the sky. Lord...
High Flyin' Bird [Turkish translation]
There's a high flyin' bird, flying way up in the sky, And I wonder if she looks down, as she goes on by? Well, she's flying so freely in the sky. Lord...
High Flying Bird
There's a high flying bird Way up in the sky, now Yes, and I wonder if she Looks down as she flies on by Well, she's riding on the air So easy in the ...
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