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Ben Howard lyrics
In Dreams [Ukrainian translation]
Завжди загадка у світі, вона сказала Завжди загадка у моїй голові Завжди річ подиву Те, ким ми стали О, це велике старе місце для мене Це великий стар...
Keep Your Head Up lyrics
I spent my time watchin' the spaces that have grown between us. And I cut my mind on second best or the scars that come with the greeness. And I gave ...
Keep Your Head Up [Arabic translation]
أمضيت وقتي أشاهد المسافات التي ازدادت بيننا وتقبلت فكرة كوني الخَيار الثاني أو تلك الندوب الناتجة عن عدم الخبرة سلّمت عينيّ للسأم، ومع ذلك لم يتقبلني ...
Keep Your Head Up [Russian translation]
Я потратил свое время, смотря на расстояние, которое выросло между нами. И я останавливаю свои мысли на самом худшем, на шрамах, пришедших с неопытнос...
Keep Your Head Up [Turkish translation]
Aramızdaki boşluğun büyümesini izleyerek zamanımı geçirdim Ve ikinci en iyi olduğumu kabullendim Ya da yeşillikle gelen yaralarla Ve gözlerimi sıkıntı...
Make Arrangements lyrics
Time to make arrangements Flood the valley with the call insane Something the clouds cast And all around the great refrain Didn't you talk about the b...
Metaphysical Cantations lyrics
Fireworks smoke in the valley It's a working man's day I'm working On turning me around Lifting me out here To be the one that causes affectations We'...
Move like you want. lyrics
I saw you earlier on, They were playing blues downtown Some kind of Mississippi, Mississippi song And I know, I know, I know I caught your eye Because...
Move like you want. [Spanish translation]
Yo ya te había visto antes, tocando blues en el centro con ellos. Un tipo de canción típica de Missisipi,de Missisippi, y sé, sé que me llamó la atenc...
Murmurations lyrics
I asked my neighbor what time is it Time you know you can't get it back What's a man anyhow If not alone Collecting facts Well I am love through sickn...
Nica Libres At Dusk lyrics
Door is locked My gums are bleeding Outside she reads Outside she's reading The evacuation procedure out loud Clothes are off My health receding Somew...
Nica Libres At Dusk [Croatian translation]
Vrata su zaključana Čeljusti mi krvare Vani ona čita Vani ona iščitava Upute za evakuaciju naglas Odjeća je skinuta Zdravlje mi slabi Negdje ona sanja...
Nica Libres At Dusk [Dutch translation]
De deur is gesloten Mijn tandvlees is aan het bloeden Buiten leest ze Buiten leest ze De evacuatie procedure hardop Kleren zijn uit Mijn gezondheid tr...
Oats In The Water lyrics
Go your way, I'll take the long way 'round, I'll find my own way down, As I should. And hold your gaze There's coke in the Midas touch A joke in the w...
Oats In The Water [Bulgarian translation]
Иди си, Аз ще заобиколя, Аз ще намеря моя собствен път надолу, Като трябва. Задържи портите ти Както грак в Midas Touch А шега в начина, по който ръжд...
Oats In The Water [Bulgarian translation]
Върви по пътя си. Аз ще поема дългият път. Ще намеря собствения си път. Както аз бих. Задръж портите си. Като крясък с усещане на Мидас. Шега по начин...
Oats In The Water [Dutch translation]
Ga je gang Ik neem de lange weg Ik vind mijn eigen weg naar beneden Zoals ik zou moeten En houd je blik vast Er zit cocaine in the aanraking van Midas...
Oats In The Water [French translation]
Suis ta route, Je prendrai le chemin le plus long, Je trouverai mon propre chemin Comme je devrais le faire Et retiens tes portes Comme dans le couine...
Oats In The Water [Greek translation]
Τράβα τον δρόμο σου, Εγώ θα ακολουθήσω την μακριά διέξοδο, Θα βρω μόνος μου τον τρόπο να πάω παρακάτω, Έτσι όπως θα έπρεπε (να έχω κάνει) Και κράτα στ...
Oats In The Water [Hungarian translation]
Menj utadon Különben magammal viszlek az egész hosszú úton Meg kell találjam lent a saját utam Mert nekem kell És támaszd ki a kapuid Úgy nyikorogjon,...
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