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Ben Howard lyrics
End Of The Affair [Dutch translation]
Het einde van het volgende Het gewicht van een oorlog Vriendelijkheid is naar bed gegaan The weight of your laughter Levendig in de hal Hoorde hij, ho...
End Of The Affair [Greek translation]
Το τέλος της σχέσης Το βάρος του κόσμου Η καλοσύνη έχει πάει για ύπνο Ελευθερώθηκε από το γέλιο σου Ζωντανός στους διαδρόμους Άραγε άκουσε, άραγε άκου...
End Of The Affair [Russian translation]
Роман окончен. Вся тяжесть мира. Доброта словно отправилась спать, Освободившись от твоего смеха До сих пор звучащего в зале. Слышал ли он, слышал ли ...
End Of The Affair [Serbian translation]
Крај љубавне приче Тежина света доброта је отишла на починак Свет је слободан од твог смеха који живо одзвања ходницима да ли је чуо, да ли је чуо збр...
End Of The Affair [Turkish translation]
Meselenin akıbeti Dünyanın yükü Nezaket uyumaya gitti Gülüşünle özgür kalıyor Mahzenlerde yaşayan Duydu mu, duydu mu Beceriksizce sarf ettiğin sözleri...
Esmeralda lyrics
I’m blinded, now I see that I, Could not hold you, my orange tree leaf. In the darkened room for three of us to share. Maybe you were free Before my b...
Esmeralda [Arabic translation]
I’m blinded, now I see that I, Could not hold you, my orange tree leaf. In the darkened room for three of us to share. Maybe you were free Before my b...
Esmeralda [French translation]
I’m blinded, now I see that I, Could not hold you, my orange tree leaf. In the darkened room for three of us to share. Maybe you were free Before my b...
Esmeralda [Turkish translation]
I’m blinded, now I see that I, Could not hold you, my orange tree leaf. In the darkened room for three of us to share. Maybe you were free Before my b...
Evergreen lyrics
Christmas flared amongst the somewhere cold deep evergreen Built a world without your love and I built it in me Christmas flared amongst the somewhere...
Evergreen [Russian translation]
Рождество вспыхнуло внутри нас, и мы назвали его вечнозеленым, Я построил мир, без твоей любви, я построил его внутри себя. Рождество вспыхнуло внутри...
Evergreen [Turkish translation]
noel ağacı ışıldadı soğuk, derin ve hep yeşil bir yerde senin sevginin olmadığı bir dünya ve ben onu içime kurdum noel ağacı ışıldadı soğuk ,derin ve ...
Everything lyrics
The birds still sing outside these These windows Where we sat together Like nothing ever happened here oh The white house on the hill And black clouds...
Everything [Arabic translation]
لا زالت الطيور تغرد خارج هذه هذه النوافذ حيث اعتدنا الجلوس معًا وكأن شيئًا لم يحصل هنا ذلك المنزل الأبيض على التلة والجو الملبد بالغيوم السوداء وقمة ا...
Everything [Greek translation]
Τα πουλιά τραγουδούν ακόμα έξω από αυτά Αυτά τα παράθυρα Όπου καθίσαμε μαζί Σαν να μην συνέβη ποτέ τίποτα εδώ oh Το λευκό σπίτι στο λόφο Και με μαύρα ...
Everything [Russian translation]
Птицы все еще поют снаружи этих окон, Где мы сидели вместе, Будто ничего не произошло. Белый дом на горе, Черные тучи и купол церкви, там, за рекой. О...
Everything [Serbian translation]
Ptice idalje pevaju napolju izvan Izvan ovih prozora Gde smo sedeli zajedno Kao da se ovde nikad ništa nije desilo, oh Bela kuća na brdu Crni oblaci, ...
Everything [Turkish translation]
Kuşlar hala daha ötüyor şu Şu pencerelerin dışında Bizim birlikte oturduğumuz Sanki burada hiçbir şey yaşanmamış gibi ah Tepedeki beyaz ev Ve kara bul...
Far Out lyrics
Tell me is there vacancy In the house beyond the green I'm in the fountain of asking I'm asking Always a diamond to make Everybody smiling on the take...
Follaton Wood lyrics
Send "Follaton Wood" Ringtone to your Cell Oh you Screamed Hallelujah darling, startled all the sleeping Starlins on the wire. As we walked up the foo...
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