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The xx lyrics
Our song lyrics
All I have, I will give to you And at times when no one wants to I will give you me And we'll be Us All I have, I will give to you And at times when n...
Our song [German translation]
Alles was ich habe, werde ich dir geben Und an Zeiten wenn niemand anderes möchte Werde ich dir mich geben Und wir werden Wir sein Alles was ich habe,...
Our song [Greek translation]
Όσα έχω, θα στα δώσω Και σε στιγμές που κανένας δεν θέλει Θα σου δώσω εμένα Και θα είμαστε Εμείς Όσα έχω, θα στα δώσω Και σε στιγμές που κανένας δεν θ...
Our song [Romanian translation]
Tot ce am, iti voi da tie Si din cand in cand, cand nimeni nu isi doreste Iti voi da pe mine Si vom fi Noi Tot ce am, iti voi da tie Si din cand in ca...
Our song [Serbian translation]
Sve što imam daću tebi I u vreme kada to niko ne bude hteo Predaću ti sebe I bićemo Mi Sve što imam daću tebi I u vreme kada to niko ne bude hteo Pred...
Reconsider lyrics
Remember me, I'm the one that's back from over Time's gone by and I'm still so far from over You reappeared like you had never been gone I lose compos...
Replica lyrics
Seem right, seem wrong Only difference is that I'm that one Second time a wrap Feels like this song's already been sung Mirroring situations like you'...
Reunion lyrics
We visit a life we both left behind Ignore the heart Move to the ever-moving Or, blazin', we go over And over and over and over again If I wait too lo...
Reunion [Turkish translation]
İkimizin de geride bıraktığı hayatı ziyaret ediyoruz. Kalbi umursamadan Süreli hareket eden Yanan Eğer çok beklersem Seni kaybedeceğim Belki bu gece D...
Say Something Loving lyrics
Before it slips away Say something loving I just don't remember the thrill of affection I just don't remember Say something loving I need a reminder, ...
Say Something Loving [German translation]
Bevor es entgleitet Sag etwas Liebevolles Ich erinnere mich einfach nicht mehr an das aufregende Gefühl der Zuneigung Ich erinnere mich einfach nicht ...
Seasons Run lyrics
Here comes the rain again It always has an effect on me Don't know how the seasons run I always feel like I'm in between Do I stay inside 'til I see t...
Stars lyrics
I can give it all on the first date I don't have to exist outside this place And dear know that I can change But if stars, shouldn't shine By the very...
Stars [Azerbaijani translation]
Sən ilk vaxtda hər şey verə bilərəm Mən çöldəki bu yerdən başqa gözlədiyim yoxdur Və əzizim bil ki, mən dəyişə bilərəm Amma əgər ulduzlar parıldamamal...
Stars [French translation]
Je peux te donner tout au premier rendez-vous Il faut pas que j'existe là-dehors Et chéri, je sais que je peux me changer Mais si les étoiles ne brill...
Stars [German translation]
Ich kann alles an unserem ersten Treffen geben Ich muss außerhalb dieses Ortes nicht existieren Und Liebling, du musst wissen dass ich mich ändern kan...
Stars [Italian translation]
Posso dare tutto al primo appuntamento Non ho bisogno d'esistere al di fuori di questo posto E caro sappi che posso cambiare Ma se le stelle non doves...
Stars [Romanian translation]
Pot da totul de la prima intalnire Nu trebuie sa exist inafara acestui loc Si,draga,stiu ca ma pot schimba Dar,daca stelele nu ar trebui sa straluceas...
Stars [Russian translation]
Я могу дать тебе всё это при первой встрече, Мне не приходилось существовать вне этого места, И, милая, знай, я могу меняться. Но если звезды не могут...
Stars [Serbian translation]
Ja mogu da dam sve na prvom sastanku Netrebam da postojim van ovoga mjesta I draga znaj da se mogu promjeniti Ali ako zvjezde ne sjaju na prvom putu o...
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