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The xx lyrics
Do you mind? [Romanian translation]
Spune-mi Trebuie să ştiu Unde vrei să mergi Deoarece dacă eşti jos O voi lua încet Să te fac să-ţi pierzi controlul Dragă ţi-ar place Să petreci noapt...
Do you mind? [Serbian translation]
Reci mi Moram da znam Gde želiš da ideš Jer ako si dole Usporiću Učiniti da izgubiš kontrolu Dušo da li bi volela Da provedeš noć Celu noć? I možda ak...
Fantasy lyrics
For the desired effect Would you come back August or June, June? And I hate that tomorrow's too soon But this collision came mid-bloom Better built to...
Fiction lyrics
Fiction When we're not together Mistaken for a vision Something of my own creation I wake up alone With only daylight between us Last night the world ...
Fiction [French translation]
1Fiction Pendant que nous ne sommes pas ensemble. Pris à tort pour une vision, Quelque chose de ma propre céation. Je me réveille tout seul, Rien que ...
Fiction [German translation]
Fiktion Wenn wir nicht zusammen sind Für eine Vision gehalten Etwas aus meiner eigenen Entstehung Ich wache alleine auf Nur Tageslicht zwischen uns Le...
Fiction [Serbian translation]
Izmišljotina Kada nismo zajedno Zamenjena za viziju Nečega iz moje sopstvene tvorevine Budim se sam Samo je svetlost dana između nas Prošle noći svet ...
Heart Skipped A Beat lyrics
Please don't say we're done When I'm not finished I could give so much more Make you feel, like never before Welcome, they said welcome to the floor I...
Heart Skipped A Beat [French translation]
Ne me dis pas que c'est terminé entre nous Alors que je n'en ai pas fini Je pourrais donner tellement plus encore Te donner des sentiments que tu n'as...
Heart Skipped A Beat [German translation]
Bitte sag nicht dass es mit uns vorbei ist Wenn ich noch nicht fertig bin Ich könnte dir noch so viel mehr geben Dich fühlen lassen wie nie zuvor Will...
Heart Skipped A Beat [Serbian translation]
Молим те, немој рећи да је готово Јер ја нисам завршио Могао сам пружити још много више Учинити да се осећаш као никада раније Добро дошли, рекли су: ...
Heart Skipped A Beat [Spanish translation]
Por favor no digas que hemos terminado Cuando yo no he terminado Podría entregar mucho más Hacerte sentir como nunca antes Bienvenido, ellos dijeron, ...
Heart Skipped A Beat [Turkish translation]
Lütfen bittiğimizi söyleme Ben daha bitirmemişken Sana daha fazlasını verebilirdim Seni daha önceden hiç hissetmediğin gibi hissettirirdim. Hoşgeldin,...
Hot like fire lyrics
You're hotter than a summer's day in California You got me melting like a sundae, I want you I know you've been waiting, you've been waiting a long ti...
Hot like fire [French translation]
You're hotter than a summer's day in California You got me melting like a sundae, I want you I know you've been waiting, you've been waiting a long ti...
Hot like fire [Greek translation]
You're hotter than a summer's day in California You got me melting like a sundae, I want you I know you've been waiting, you've been waiting a long ti...
Hot like fire [Spanish translation]
You're hotter than a summer's day in California You got me melting like a sundae, I want you I know you've been waiting, you've been waiting a long ti...
I Dare You lyrics
I'm in love with it Intoxicated I'm in rapture From the inside I can feel that you want to Way up high on it Feeling suspended I'm enamoured Way up in...
I Dare You [Dutch translation]
Ik ben er verliefd op Bedwelmd Ik ben in extase Van binnen kan ik voelen dat je het wilt Helemaal high ervan Ik voel me verheven Ik ben verliefd Hoog ...
I Dare You [Romanian translation]
Sunt indragostit Intoxicat Sunt in extaz Din inauntru pot sa simt ca tu iti doresti Sunt sus Ma simt suspendat Sunt inamorat Sus acolo in cer am putut...
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