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The xx lyrics
Angels [Turkish translation]
Gölgende ışıklar yansıyor Bu düşündüğümden de fazla Sen oda da hareket ediyorsun Tıpkı nefes almak kadar kolaydı Eğer biri bana inansaydı Olurlardı Tı...
Basic Space lyrics
Neck, chest, waist to floor Easy to take, you could take me in fours Make me a deal, a day a piece Take it all, just stay a week I'll take you in piec...
Basic Space [Turkish translation]
Boyun, göğüs, bel yere Alması kolay, beni 4 parça halinde alabilirsin Gel pazarlık yapalım, hergün bir parça Hepsini al, bir hafta kal Seni parça parç...
Brave for You lyrics
In all I know In all I've done I take you along Though you're not here I can feel you there I take you along And when I'm scared I imagine you're ther...
Chained lyrics
I watched you breathe in And I wished you'd stop Only for long enough Long enough It's hard to say Separate or combine I ask you one last time Did I h...
Chained [French translation]
Je te regardais inspirer Et j'espérais que tu t'arrêtes Seulement assez longtemps Assez longtemps C'est difficile à dire Séparés ou ensemble Je te dem...
Chained [German translation]
Ich habe dich beim einatmen beobachtet Und ich wünschte du würdest aufhören Nur ganz kurz Ganz kurz Es ist schwer zu sagen Getrennt oder vereint Ich f...
Crystalised lyrics
You've applied the pressure To have me crystalised And you've got the faith That I could bring paradise I'll forgive and forget Before I'm paralyzed D...
Crystalised [Azerbaijani translation]
Sən mənə təyziq uyğuladın Məni kristallaşdırmaq üçün Və sənin içində Mənim cənnəti gətirə biləcəyimə dair inanc var idi Mən paraliz olmadan əvvəl Mən ...
Crystalised [French translation]
Tu as appliquée la pression Pour me mettre cristallisé Ettu as la foi Que je peux apporter la paradis Je vais pardonne et oublier Avant je suis paraly...
Crystalised [French translation]
Tu as fait pression Pour me cristalliser Et tu crois en moi Pour apporter le paradis Je pardonnerai et j'oublierai Avant d'être paralysé Est-ce que je...
Crystalised [German translation]
Du übst den Druck auf mir aus Mich zu kristallisieren Und du bist dem festen Glauben Dass ich das Paradies bringen könnte Ich werde vergeben und verge...
Crystalised [Hungarian translation]
Nyomást gyakoroltál Hogy kikristályosíts engem És reménykedsz benne, Hogy elhozhatom a paradicsomot Bocsátani és felejteni fogok Mielőtt megbénulok Mu...
Crystalised [Italian translation]
Hai applicato pressione Per cristallizzarmi. E pensi Che io possa farti sentire in paradiso. Perdonerò e dimenticherò Prima di finire paralizzato. Dev...
Crystalised [Romanian translation]
Ai aplicat presiunea De a mă avea cristalizat Şi ai credinţa Că aş putea aduce paradisul Am iertat şi uitat După ce am fost paralizat Ar trebui să men...
Crystalised [Turkish translation]
Beni belli bir şekile sokmakiçin baskı uyguladın Ve cenneti getirebileceğime inancın var Affedecek ve unutacağım Felç olmadan önce Tempoya ayak uydurm...
Dangerous lyrics
They say we're in danger But I disagree If proven wrong, shame on me But you've had faith in me So I won't shy away Should it all fall down You'll hav...
Do you mind? lyrics
Tell me I need to know Where do you wanna go Cause if you're down I'll take it slow Make you lose control Baby would you like To spend the night The w...
Do you mind? [French translation]
Dis-moi Je dois savoir Où veux-tu aller Parce que si tu es déprimée Je prendrai mon temps Te ferai perdre la tête Bébé, voudrais-tu Passer la nuit Pas...
Do you mind? [German translation]
Sag mir Ich muss es wissen Wohin willst du Denn wenn du down bist Werde ich es langsam angehen Dich die kontrolle verlieren lassen Baby würdest du ger...
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