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Dead Or Alive lyrics
Tonight ... lyrics
There’s no doubt in my mind that we all reach a stage where the feelings we’ve hidden have escaped from the cages and the rules we all learned will no...
Tonight ... [Italian translation]
Non ci sono dubbi nella mia mente Che abbiamo raggiunto quel livello In cui i sentimenti non possono essere celati Fuggiti dalle gabbie E le regole ch...
Total Stranger lyrics
It's funny, with you I really felt secure Because I wanted to Who is zoomin' who But I really must explain That I can't hide the pain When you enjoy y...
Total Stranger [Italian translation]
It's funny, with you I really felt secure Because I wanted to Who is zoomin' who But I really must explain That I can't hide the pain When you enjoy y...
Turn Around and Count 2 Ten lyrics
So turn around and count 2 ten, Before you lose the only one who really loves you Somebody who likes you just as you are, Not how you might have been,...
Turn Around and Count 2 Ten [Italian translation]
Quindi, girati e conta fino [1] a dieci prima di perde l'unico che ti ami veramente qualcuno a cui piaci come sei, non come potresti essere stata, Oh!...
U Were Meant 4 Me lyrics
Now that it's the weekend and the night is mine I need a little extra kick to blow my mind Nothing for my eyes till they brought you in A little touch...
U Were Meant 4 Me [Italian translation]
Adesso che il weekend e la notte mi appartengono Ho bisogno di un piccolo extra per sconvolgermi la mente Non c'era nulla per i miei occhi finche' qua...
Unhappy Birthday lyrics
It's my night, and everything should be so fine, And you look your usual devine, you make my Eyes burn, Everybody's here, and they're rocking to the h...
Unhappy Birthday [Italian translation]
E' la mia notte, ed ogni cosa dovrebbe andare così bene, E tu sembri divina come sempre, fai bruciare i miei occhi, Tutti quanti sono qui, e dondolano...
What Have U Done [2 Make Me Change] lyrics
I can't believe the changes That you're making in my life Like a storm you blew in Showed me how to live Something had to give The simple life, the en...
What Have U Done [2 Make Me Change] [Italian translation]
I can't believe the changes That you're making in my life Like a storm you blew in Showed me how to live Something had to give The simple life, the en...
Where Is The Love lyrics
Why does it turn all night I can't find no one to hold? To make it tell me it's my darkest hour Why do I feel so alone? An occasional thing reminded m...
Where Is The Love [Italian translation]
Perche' girando per tutta la notte Non riesco a trovare nessuno a cui aggrapparmi? Farmi dire che questa e' la mia ora piu' buia Perche' mi sento tant...
Wish You Were Here lyrics
Oh, I need somebody to play with baby You have what somebody else has to stay with I simply cannot ignore you Come over here, I'll do something for yo...
Wish You Were Here [Italian translation]
Oh, ho bisogno di qualcuno con cui giocare, tesoro Hai ciò che qualcun altro dovrebbe avere E semplicemente non posso ignorarti Le ragazze no, il raga...
You Spin Me Round lyrics
Yeah I, I got to know your name Well and I, could trace your private number baby All I know is that to me You look like you're lots of fun Open up you...
You Spin Me Round [Arabic translation]
نعم, تمكّنت من أن أتعرّف على اسمك ويمكنني أن أجد رقم [الهاتف] الخاصّ يا صغيري كلّ ما أعرفه هو أنّك بالنسبة لي تبدو ممتعا جدّا افتح ذراعيك الحابّين فأر...
You Spin Me Round [Dutch translation]
Ja ik, Ik leerde je naam kennen Nou en ik, kon je privénummer achterhalen, schatje Het enige dat ik weet is dat voor mij Het lijkt alsof je heel plezi...
You Spin Me Round [French translation]
Ouais je, je dois connaître ton nom Eh bien et je, pourrais écrire ton numéro privé bébé Tout ce que je sais c'est que pour moi Tu as l'air d'être trè...
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