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Dead Or Alive lyrics
Nukleopatra [Italian translation]
N-U-K-L-E-O-P-A-T-R-A Nukleopatra N-U-K-L-E-O-P-A-T-R-A Nukleopatra Nukleopatra Nukleopatra Nukleopatra Nukleopatra Ho visto la tua pubblicità su una ...
Sit On It lyrics
Oh, you've got a brand new way of life I do not like so I'm p-p-p-p-p-p-packing my things and I'm running around so Sit on it, sit on it, sit on it Yo...
Sit On It [Italian translation]
Oh, hai una nuova filosofia [1] di vita che non mi piace Sto facendo le valige e me ne sto andando così Sieditici sopra, sieditici sopra, sieditici so...
Sleep With You lyrics
I recall the first time that I saw you, It was plain to me, you'd been around, Dreaming of your kiss for far too long now, You have turned my whole wo...
Sleep With You [Italian translation]
I recall the first time that I saw you, It was plain to me, you'd been around, Dreaming of your kiss for far too long now, You have turned my whole wo...
Something In My House lyrics
I, I, I, I, I, I, I am being haunted It's four o'clock in the morning And I'm sitting on my stairs And there's bangin' 'round the bedroom Even though ...
Something In My House [Italian translation]
Sono [7 volte] perseguitato Sono le quattro del mattino e sono seduto sulle scale è c'è un botto intorno alla camera da letto. Anche se so che non c'è...
Something In My House [Russian translation]
Меня преследуют. Четыре часа утра, И я сижу на моей лестнице, Что-то стучится в дверь спальни. Хотя я знаю, что здесь никого нет. Я совершенно один. А...
Son Of A Gun lyrics
There's a boy in the world Who don't follow the crowd Doesn't do what he's told to That's why he's allowed to stay Sharp as a diamond As sharp as a di...
Son Of A Gun [Italian translation]
C'è un ragazzo nel mondo Che non segue la massa Non fa quello che gli dicono Ecco perché gli è permesso di continuare ad essere Tagliente come un diam...
Special Star lyrics
You're off out somewhere with a hundred friends And what I need to know is When will I see again Smile and say that there's a place and time And that ...
Special Star [Italian translation]
Sei fuori da qualche parte con centinaia di amici E ciò che ho bisogno di sapere è Quando ti rivedrò di nuovo Sorridere e dire che esiste un luogo ed ...
Spend The Night Together lyrics
This time, I really can't win, I must be out of my mind, And I know, that fools rush in, It's kind of nice to be unhappy, *We gotta spend the night to...
Spend The Night Together [Italian translation]
This time, I really can't win, I must be out of my mind, And I know, that fools rush in, It's kind of nice to be unhappy, *We gotta spend the night to...
Stop Kicking My Heart Around lyrics
Please, Stop, Kicking My Heart Around, Spending my money and driving my car around Cheapening our love, with everyone in town I said Stop, Kicking My ...
Stop Kicking My Heart Around [Italian translation]
Ti prego, smettila di prendermi a calci il cuore Di spendere i miei soldi e guidare la mia macchina Di sminuire il nostro amore con chiunque in giro H...
The Right Stuff lyrics
Baby it is obvious I'm born to please What I'm gonna do will put you on your knees There's no other man, there's no other man! Come on call me up and ...
The Right Stuff [Italian translation]
Baby it is obvious I'm born to please What I'm gonna do will put you on your knees There's no other man, there's no other man! Come on call me up and ...
Then There Was You lyrics
What a dizzy spin My whole spirit was in All my blue skies They had turned to grey And I had money Enough to burn So why did I still sing the blues Wh...
Then There Was You [Italian translation]
Che giro vertiginoso C'era tutto il mio spirito Tutti i miei cieli blu Sono diventati grigi E ho denaro A sufficienza per bruciare Allora, perché rest...
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