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Dead Or Alive lyrics
Isn't it a Pity lyrics
(Spoken Word): I must admit we do get along, he's quite a man No saint of course, but you must have expected that before you married him Maybe that wa...
Isn't it a Pity [Italian translation]
(Spoken Word): I must admit we do get along, he's quite a man No saint of course, but you must have expected that before you married him Maybe that wa...
It's Been A Long Time lyrics
Pardon me baby I just got to say I could be a suit of armor Protect you when the furies fly Fly you on a magic carpet But you\'re never comin\' down t...
It's Been A Long Time [Italian translation]
Scusami, tesoro Devo solo dirti [che] Potrei essere un'armatura Per proteggerti Quando la furia [1] si abbatte Volare su un tappeto magico Ma stavolta...
I’ll Save You All My Kisses lyrics
You might hear I'd trade my love for candy Don't believe that stuff It's a misunderstanding Whatever I've got It doesn't come cheaply Not many have go...
I’ll Save You All My Kisses [Italian translation]
Potresti sentir dire che scambierei l'amore per le caramelle Non credere a quelle cose E' un malinteso Qualsiasi cosa abbia Non è stata semplice da ot...
Lover Come Back to Me lyrics
Hoo aaa Hoo aaa I've been lyin' here so lonely I've been wishin' you would telephone me Oh, I just can't lose this desperation Won't you bring around ...
Lover Come Back to Me [Italian translation]
Hoo aaa Hoo aaa Sono stato disteso tutto solo Ho sognato che tu mi telefonassi Oh, Non posso proprio lasciare [1] andare questa disperazione Non mi ri...
Lucky Day lyrics
There are no rules in a dream And out of all I've seen You're the one You're the only one I know I might say it wrong You are the only one for me So l...
Lucky Day [Italian translation]
There are no rules in a dream And out of all I've seen You're the one You're the only one I know I might say it wrong You are the only one for me So l...
Misty Circles lyrics
An aggressive nature Does not make The weaker man a gladiator Inside this misty circle Well, just looking at you And all your schemes are undone And y...
Misty Circles [Italian translation]
Una natura aggressiva Non trasforma Un uomo debole un gladiatore [1] Dentro questo cerchio di nebbia Bene, ti sto solo guardando E tutti i tuoi proget...
My Forbidden Lover lyrics
People say you're a devil in disguise I don't care just tell me all your sweet lies Usually I do not like your kind I want your body, don't care about...
My Forbidden Lover [Italian translation]
La gente dice che sei il diavolo travestito Ma non mi importa, dimmi tutte le tue dolci bugie In genere, non mi piace una come te [1] Io voglio il tuo...
My Heart Goes Bang [Get Me To The Doctor] lyrics
The other night a close friend told me Never let my heart fall into careless hands I said,"Thanks, that's very nice, appreciate your good advice But t...
My Heart Goes Bang [Get Me To The Doctor] [Italian translation]
L'altra notte un caro amico mi ha parlato, Mai permettere che il tuo cuore cada in mani crudeli[1] Gli ho detto, "Grazie, gentile da parte tua, apprez...
My Heart Goes Bang [Get Me To The Doctor] [Serbian translation]
Pre neki dan blizak prijatelj mi reče Nikad ne dozvoli da mi srce padne u brižne ruke Rekoh, "Hvala, to je vrlo lepo, cenim tvoj savet Ali stvari ne i...
My Love's On The Line* lyrics
Your words blew my mind away, People spreading rumors. I tried to play your game, Thought I held the aces, I didn’t mean to end it baby. Now there’s n...
My Love's On The Line* [Italian translation]
Your words blew my mind away, People spreading rumors. I tried to play your game, Thought I held the aces, I didn’t mean to end it baby. Now there’s n...
Nukleopatra lyrics
N-U-K-L-E-O-P-A-T-R-A Nukleopatra N-U-K-L-E-O-P-A-T-R-A Nukleopatra Nukleopatra Nukleopatra Nukleopatra Nukleopatra I saw your advertisement in a maga...
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