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Dead Or Alive lyrics
Extacy lyrics
When we met, it looked quite clear to me What you had was strong, was there for only me Surely you know you took me by surprise When I turned and look...
Extacy [Italian translation]
Quando ci siamo incontrati, mi pareva abbastanza chiaro Quello che avevi era potente, era qui solo per me Sicuramente, sai come cogliermi di sorpresa ...
Far Too Hard lyrics
Hey there, take a look at me No I couldn't look no better, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh Oh I am a young man Fascinated with the profile in my mirror And that's...
Far Too Hard [Italian translation]
Hey, qui, dammi un'occhiata No, non potrei guardare meglio, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, sono un ragazzo [1] Attratto dal profilo nel mio specchio [2] E...
Get Out Of My House lyrics
You never loved me, I knew that from the start All of my friends said that you would break my heart And how right they were As the change begins to sh...
Get Out Of My House [Italian translation]
Non mi hai mai amato, lo sapevo dall'inizio Tutti i miei amici mi hanno sempre detto che mi avresti spezzato il cuore E quanto avevano ragione Non app...
Give It Back [That Love Is Mine] lyrics
The guilty look upon your face, Tells me you'v done something wrong, Something's missing, my lover's gone, And we had such a good time. Money isn't ev...
Give It Back [That Love Is Mine] [Italian translation]
Il colpevole ti guarda in faccia, Mi dice che hai fatto qualcosa di sbagliato, Manca qualcosa, il mio amore è andato, E ci siamo divertiti. Il denaro ...
Gone To Long* lyrics
I can't believe You would turn your back on me Thought you'd be mine eternally But you proved me wrong Party in the street Rockin' to the beat (Party,...
Gone To Long* [Italian translation]
I can't believe You would turn your back on me Thought you'd be mine eternally But you proved me wrong Party in the street Rockin' to the beat (Party,...
Hit And Run Lover lyrics
You look like somebody, I used to know A daydream believer with a heart of gold Don't try to ignore me cause everyone already knows All the scandalish...
Hit And Run Lover [Italian translation]
Assomigli a qualcuno che conoscevo Un sognatore ad occhi aperti con un cuore d'oro. Non tentare di ignorarmi perché tutti lo sanno già Tutte le cose s...
Hooked On Love lyrics
Well, I know what I'm thinkin' Is the direct result of drinkin' In a heavy mix of intimate atmosphere And I pray what I'm feelin' Is insecurity reveal...
Hooked On Love [Italian translation]
Beh, so che quello a cui sto pensando, è il diretto risultato dell'aver bevuto In un mix intenso in un'atmosfera intima E prego che ciò che sto provan...
Hurt Me [Did U Have 2 Hurt Me] lyrics
I ask you a question And I don't like the reply That to impress yourself You need someone else You can't live a life You had to be what you're born to...
Hurt Me [Did U Have 2 Hurt Me] [Italian translation]
Ti ho fatto una domanda Ma non ho gradito la risposta Per sconvolgerti Hai bisogno di qualcun altro Non puoi andare avanti cosi' Devi essere quello pe...
I Cannot Carry On lyrics
When I last saw you You seemed the same Not much had changed Then I walked past your window You were there with somebody else And I knew their name Bu...
I Cannot Carry On [Czech translation]
Když jsem tě viděl naposled, vypadal jsi stejně, moc jsi se nezměnil Potom jsem prošel kolem tvého okna, byl jsi s někým jiným A já znal jeho jméno, a...
I Cannot Carry On [German translation]
Als ich dich das Letzte mal sah Sahst du so gleich aus Nicht viel hatte sich verändert Dann bin ich an deinem Fenster vorbeigegangen Du warst da mit j...
I Cannot Carry On [Italian translation]
L'ultima volta che ti ho vista Mi sei sembrata quella di sempre Non era cambiato molto Poi, sono passato sotto la tua finestra Ed eri li' con qualcun ...
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