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Gloria Trevi lyrics
Soy tuya lyrics
Yo soy tuya y nadie maaas yo soy tuya y nadie maaas Nadie me ha besado como tu me besaste no te dije nada para no ilusionarte no dormi un segundo desd...
Soy tuya [English translation]
I am yours and no one else's I am yours and no one else's No one has ever kissed me like you kissed me I didn't tell you anything so as not to get you...
Hijoepu*# lyrics
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah (Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah) ¿Quién diría que entre tanta gente? Llegarías a meterte en mi mente (Ah) Así sin conocerte, yeah-yeah Y esto...
Hijoepu*# [English translation]
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah (Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah) Who could've foretold that from among so many You would be the one to get stuck in my head (Ah) When I didn'...
Hijoepu*# [English translation]
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah (Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah) Who would say that among so many people? You would arrive to get into my mind (ah) Like that without knowing...
Hijoepu*# [Greek translation]
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah (Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah) Ποιος θα έλεγε ότι ανάμεσα σε τόσο κόσμο; Θα κατάφερνες να τρυπώσεις στο μυαλό μου (Αh) Έτσι χωρίς να σε γνω...
Hijoepu*# [Serbian translation]
Da - da - da - da (Da - da - da - da) Ko bi rekao da izmedju toliko ljudi Uspeo si se uvuci u moju glavu (Ah) Tako, a da te ne poznajem, da - da I ja ...
A gatas lyrics
Si tuviera mil pares de zapatos en casa que escoger cuales uso que color y que marca... De viajar con chóferes cada vez que yo salga y vivir vigilada ...
A gatas [Croatian translation]
Kad bih imala tisuću pari cipela kod kuće tako da mogu birati koje ću nositi koje boje i koje marke Da putujem s vozačima svaki put kad izađem i živim...
A gatas [English translation]
If I had a thousand pairs of shoes at home, so I can choose which to wear, which color, which brand... To travel with chauffeurs every time I go out, ...
A la madre lyrics
Madres, les canto toda esta canción canto esta canción a toda madre! Vales todo el oro del mundo todo el oro del mundo vales madre! Me pongo en ti mi ...
A la madre [Croatian translation]
Majke, vama pjevam cijelu ovu pjesmu pjevam ovu pjesmu svakoj majci Vrijedna si sveg zlata svijeta sveg zlata svijeta vrijedna si, majko Dajem ti svoj...
A la madre [English translation]
Mothers, I sing to you whole this song I sing this song to every mother You are worth all the gold in the world all the gold in the world you are wort...
Ábranse perras lyrics
Ábranse perras, que ya llegó la buena La que viene de allá, la que ya no se regresa Que vive, que goza, a la que llaman loca La que se levantó y se la...
Ábranse perras [Croatian translation]
Pokažite se, kučke, došla je ona dobra koja dolazi odande, koja se više ne vraća ona koja živi, koja uživa, ona koju zovu ludom ona koja se podigla i ...
Ábranse perras [English translation]
Open up bitches, the good one's here The one who comes from there, the one who won't ever go back She who lives fully, enjoys herself, the one they ca...
Ábranse perras [Serbian translation]
Otkrijte se kučke, jer dobra je stigla Ona koja dolazi od tamo, ona koja se više ne vraća Koja živi, koja uživa, ona koju zovu ludom Ona koja je ustal...
Acostada a media calle lyrics
Estoy acostada a media calle enojada con mi padre y no me pienso parar estoy acostada a media calle casi casi a huelga de hambre y enojada con mi ma' ...
Acostada a media calle [Croatian translation]
Ja sam ispružena posred ulice Ljuta zbog svog tate I ne mislim prestati Ja sam ispružena posred ulice Skoro, skoro kao štrajk glađu I ljuta sam na svo...
Acostada a media calle [English translation]
I'm lying in the middle of the street Angry with my father and I'm not thinking of standing I'm lying in the middle of the street Almost almost to the...
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