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Tori Kelly lyrics
Coffee [French translation]
J'envie la tasse de café qui chaque matin t'embrasse Cet oreiller qui ta joue caresse quand tu es fatigué et que tu bâilles Je suis jaloux du volant q...
Colors of the Wind lyrics
You think you own whatever land you land on The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life, has a...
Colors of the Wind [Greek translation]
Νομίζεις πως σου ανήκει όποια γη πατάς Η Γη είναι ένα νεκρό πράγμα που μπορείς να το διεκδικήσεις Όμως εγώ ξέρω πως κάθε πέτρα και δέντρο και πλάσμα Έ...
Confetti lyrics
I gotta keep myself in check sometimes 'Cause I tend to dream real big sometimes The fancy outfits and the sparkly awards My name in lights, the peopl...
Confetti [Spanish translation]
A veces tengo que mantenerme controlada Porque tiendo a soñar muy grande a veces Los trajes de fantasía y los premios brillantes Seré famosa, las pers...
Daydream lyrics
Hold on to anything just so you don't crash Fought off the empty lies that once ruled your past Right when you think you've won, jump 3 steps back So ...
Daydream [Spanish translation]
Sujetate a lo que sea para no caer Combatiste las mentiras que reinaban en tu pasado Justo ahí pensás que has ganado, salta tres espacios atrás Ahora ...
Dear No One lyrics
I like being independent Not so much of an investment No one to tell me what to do I like being by myself Don't gotta entertain anybody else No one to...
Dear No One [Finnish translation]
Pidän itsenäisenä olemisesta Ei niinkään investointia Kukaan ei kerro minulle mitä tehdä Pidän yksin olemisesta Ei tarvitse viihdyttää ketään muuta Ei...
Dear No One [French translation]
J'aime être indépendant, Ce n'est pas beaucoup d'un investissement, Personne ne m'a jamais dit quoi faire. J'aime être seul. Je n'ai jamais besoin de ...
Dear No One [Greek translation]
Μου αρέσει να είμαι ανεξάρτητη Δεν είναι μεγάλη επένδυση Δεν υπάρχει κανένας να μου λέει τι να κάνω Μου αρέσει να είμαι ο εαυτός μου Δε χρειάζεται να ...
Dear No One [Italian translation]
Mi piace essere indipendente, senza investire troppo Nessuno che mi dica cosa fare mi piace stare per conto mio senza dover' divertire nessuno nessuno...
Dear No One [Romanian translation]
Îmi place să fiu independentă Nu o prea mare investiție Nimeni care să-mi spună ce să fac Îmi place să fiu singură Să nu trebuiască să distrez pe nime...
Dear No One [Russian translation]
Мне нравится быть независимой! Не такое уж это открытие! Никто не говорит мне, что делать! Я сама по себе! И не собираюсь развлекать кого-то еще! И ни...
Dear No One [Spanish translation]
Me gusta ser independiente No requiere mucha energía Nadie que me diga qué hacer Me gusta estar sola No tengo que tener un invitado No tengo que darle...
Dear No One [Tongan translation]
Sai'ia au e nofo tafataha 'Ikai ha me'a ke ngaaue 'aki 'Ikai ha taha ke fekau'i mai Sai'ia au e nofo fakataha 'Ikai 'aonga ke fakaafe ki hataha 'Ikai ...
Dear No One [Turkish translation]
Bağımsız olmayı seviyorum Etrafım çok fazla kuşatılmış değil Kimse bana ne yapmam gerektiğini söylemiyor Kendi başıma olmayı seviyorum Kimseyi eğlendi...
Dear No One [Turkish translation]
Bağımsız olmayı seviyorum Çok yatırım değil Bana ne yapacağımı söylemeyecek biri Kendi başıma olmayı seviyorum Başka kimseyi eğlendirmek zorunda değil...
Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing lyrics
Yeah, everybody's got a thing But some don't know how to handle it Always reaching out in vain Just taking the things not worth having But don't you w...
Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing [Turkish translation]
Herkesin bir özelliği var Ama bazıları bunu nasıl kullanacağını bilmiyor Her zaman birine boşu boşuna uzanıyoruz Olmayan şeyleri kabul ediyoruz ama Bi...
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