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Johnny Flynn lyrics
One Of Us [German translation]
Born to rise and you Form and fly You never want it to end Stepping stones far away from home I had a future to mend I’ve been lost and I’ve been dyin...
One Of Us [Spanish translation]
Born to rise and you Form and fly You never want it to end Stepping stones far away from home I had a future to mend I’ve been lost and I’ve been dyin...
One Of Us [Thai translation]
Born to rise and you Form and fly You never want it to end Stepping stones far away from home I had a future to mend I’ve been lost and I’ve been dyin...
The Box lyrics
Rob lived in a box by the rails Only thing he knew is you don't fail When you live in a box by the rails Don't comb your hair, don't comb your tail Sw...
The Box [French translation]
Rob habitait dans une boîte près des rails La seule chose qu'il savait c'était que tu ne tombes pas Si tu habites dans une boîte près des rails Ne coi...
The Box [German translation]
Rob wohnte in einer Kiste an den Schienen Er wusste nur, man fällt nicht Wenn man in einer Kiste an den Schienen wohnt Kämm dir nicht die Haare, kämm ...
The Box [Spanish translation]
Rob vivía en una caja cerca de los carriles Lo único que sabía era que uno no se cae Cuando vive en una caja cerca de los carriles No peines tu cabell...
The Wrote and the Writ lyrics
They're taking pictures of the man from God I hope his cassock's clean The burden of being our holy fellas Your halo'd better gleam, better gleam What...
The Wrote and the Writ [French translation]
They're taking pictures of the man from God I hope his cassock's clean The burden of being our holy fellas Your halo'd better gleam, better gleam What...
The Wrote and the Writ [German translation]
They're taking pictures of the man from God I hope his cassock's clean The burden of being our holy fellas Your halo'd better gleam, better gleam What...
The Wrote and the Writ [Spanish translation]
They're taking pictures of the man from God I hope his cassock's clean The burden of being our holy fellas Your halo'd better gleam, better gleam What...
The Wrote and the Writ [Spanish translation]
They're taking pictures of the man from God I hope his cassock's clean The burden of being our holy fellas Your halo'd better gleam, better gleam What...
Tickle Me Pink lyrics
Tickle me pink I'm rosy as a flushed red apple skin Except I've never been as sweet I've rolled around the orchard And found myself too awkward And ti...
Tickle Me Pink [French translation]
Chatouille-moi rose Je suis rose comme une peau rougie d'une pomme Mais je ne suis jamais été si sucré J'ai roulé au verger Et je me suis trouvé trop ...
Tickle Me Pink [German translation]
Kitzle mich rosa Ich bin rosig wie eine errötete Apfelschale Abgesehen davon, dass ich noch nie so süß war Ich bin im Obstgarten herumgerollt Und fand...
Tickle Me Pink [Spanish translation]
Cosquíllame rosado Soy rosado como una piel de manzana enrojecida Aunque nunca he sido tan dulce He girado por la huerta Y me encontré demasiado torpe...
Wandering Aengus lyrics
Walking in my mourning in the morning Let me tell you of the ashes in the grate Sun is raised for dawning, let the dawn in Let me lift my heart and fr...
Wandering Aengus [German translation]
In meiner Trauer im Morgen laufend Lass mich dir von der Asche im Kamin erzählen Sonne wird aufgezogen fürs Morgengrauen, lass das Morgenrot hinein La...
Wandering Aengus [Spanish translation]
Caminando en mi duelo en la manana Déjame contarte de las cenizas en la chimenea El sol está levantado para la aurora, deja entrar a la aurora Déjame ...
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