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Annie Lennox lyrics
Don't Let It Bring You Down lyrics
Old man lyin' by the side of the road Where the lorries rollin' by Blue moon sinkin' from the weight of the load And the buildings scrape the sky Cold...
Don't Let It Bring You Down [Czech translation]
Old man lyin' by the side of the road Where the lorries rollin' by Blue moon sinkin' from the weight of the load And the buildings scrape the sky Cold...
Don't Let It Bring You Down [Spanish translation]
Old man lyin' by the side of the road Where the lorries rollin' by Blue moon sinkin' from the weight of the load And the buildings scrape the sky Cold...
A Whiter Shade of Pale lyrics
We skipped the light fandango turned cartwheels 'cross the floor I was feeling kinda seasick but the crowd called out for more The room was humming ha...
A Whiter Shade of Pale [Bosnian translation]
Preskočili smo lagani fandango izvodeći zvijezde preko podijuma Kao da sam osjećao mučninu ali mnoštvo je tražilo još Soba je zujala jače dok je plafo...
A Whiter Shade of Pale [Bulgarian translation]
Пропуснахме лекото фанданго и завъртяхме цигански колела по дансинга Чувствах леко гадене, тълпата зовеше още Стаята жужеше по-силно, докато покривът ...
A Whiter Shade of Pale [French translation]
Nous avons sauté le fandango léger, fait des pirouettes sur le sol. J'avais un peu le mal de mer Mais la foule en demandait encore. La pièce fredonnai...
A Whiter Shade of Pale [German translation]
Wir ließen des langsamen Fandango aus Schlugen Räder über die Tanzfläche Ich fühlte mich schwindelig Doch die Menge wollte mehr Der Raum brummte deutl...
A Whiter Shade of Pale [German translation]
Wir hüpften herum nach dem leichten Fandango Und schlugen auf der Tanzfläche Rad. Ich fühlte mich irgendwie seekrank, Doch die Menge schrie nach mehr....
A Whiter Shade of Pale [Hungarian translation]
Roptuk a könnyed fandangot ketten, Cigánykereket hányunk a táncparketten, Tengeribeteg lettem, de a tömeg követelése egybecseng, A terem egyre harsány...
A Whiter Shade of Pale [Persian translation]
داشتیم سبکبال فاندانگو (۱) میرقصیدیم فرفره وار در صحنه دور خود میچرخیدیم حسی مثل دریا گرفتگی داشتم ولی جمعیت با صدای بلند خواستار تکرار بود همهمه در ا...
A Whiter Shade of Pale [Romanian translation]
Am sărit peste dansul de fandango uşor, Am făcut roata de-a lungul podelei, Aveam puţin rău de mare, Dar mulţimea a cerut mai mult, Sala vuia mai tare...
A Whiter Shade of Pale [Spanish translation]
Nos saltamos el ligero fandango, dimos volteretas por el piso Tenía un poco de náuseas y mareos Pero la muchedumbre gritaba por más El cuarto tarareab...
A Whiter Shade of Pale [Turkish translation]
Hafif fandango dansını atladık arabanın tekerlekleri döndü yerde Deniz tutuyor gibi hissediyordum ama kalabalık daha fazlasını istedi Oda çok uğultulu...
Angels From The Realms Of Glory lyrics
Angels from the realms of glory, Wing your flight over all the earth; Ye who sang creation's story Now proclaim the Messiah's birth. Gloria... In Exce...
Angels From The Realms Of Glory [French translation]
Anges des royaumes de la gloire, Envolez-vous sur toute la terre ; Vous qui avez chanté l'histoire de la création, Proclamez maintenant la naissance d...
As Joseph Was a Walking [The Cherry Tree Carol] lyrics
As Joseph was a-walking He heard an Angel sing: "This night shall be the birth time Our gracious Heavenly King; He neither shall be born In housen nor...
Cold lyrics
Come to me Run to me Do and be done with me (Cold cold cold) Don't I exist for you Don't I still live for you (Cold cold cold) Everything I possess Gi...
Cold [Turkish translation]
Gel bana, Koş bana, Yap bunu ve yapmış ol benimle. (Soğuk soğuk soğuk) Sana göre yok muyum? Sana göre hala yaşamıyor muyum? (Soğuk soğuk soğuk) Her şe...
Dark Road lyrics
It's a dark road And a dark way that leads to my house And the word says You're never gonna find me there oh no I've got an open door It didn't get th...
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