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Myrkur lyrics
Reiar [English translation]
Reiar var drukken og liden forstod I bordet han slog Han slog så i bordet så folket det græd På væggen det revnede og loftet faldt ned Og den som slug...
Reiar [Russian translation]
Reiar var drukken og liden forstod I bordet han slog Han slog så i bordet så folket det græd På væggen det revnede og loftet faldt ned Og den som slug...
Rivers Blessed [Demo] lyrics
With the ancient screams of pain they laid you on my chest You stole my eyes and replaced them with rivers blessed I am open I am hoping that you will...
Rivers Blessed [Demo] [Danish translation]
With the ancient screams of pain they laid you on my chest You stole my eyes and replaced them with rivers blessed I am open I am hoping that you will...
Rivers Blessed [Demo] [Faroese translation]
With the ancient screams of pain they laid you on my chest You stole my eyes and replaced them with rivers blessed I am open I am hoping that you will...
Rivers Blessed [Demo] [Icelandic translation]
With the ancient screams of pain they laid you on my chest You stole my eyes and replaced them with rivers blessed I am open I am hoping that you will...
Rivers Blessed [Demo] [Norwegian translation]
With the ancient screams of pain they laid you on my chest You stole my eyes and replaced them with rivers blessed I am open I am hoping that you will...
Rivers Blessed [Demo] [Turkish translation]
With the ancient screams of pain they laid you on my chest You stole my eyes and replaced them with rivers blessed I am open I am hoping that you will...
The Serpent lyrics
Look in my eyes You’ll always see a serpent Run from the dark You’ll always always feel it Down your spine Try me and suffer Impure from holy wood Whe...
The Serpent [French translation]
Regarde-moi dans les yeux Tu verras toujours un serpent Courant du noir Tu le sentiras toujours, tojours Te donnant froid dans le dos Défis-moi et sou...
The Serpent [German translation]
Schau mir in die Augen Du wirst immer eine Schlange sehen Die aus der Dunkelheit rennt Du wirst es immer spüren Deinen Rücken herab Fordere mich herau...
The Serpent [Russian translation]
Посмотри мне в глаза — и всегда увидишь змея, бегущего от темноты. Ты почувствуешь, как он спускает по твоему позвоночнику. Брось мне вызов и страдай,...
The Serpent [Spanish translation]
Mírame a los ojos Siempre verás una serpiente Corriendo de la oscuridad Siempre la sentirás Produciendo escalofríos Pruébame y sufre Impuro de madera ...
The Serpent [Turkish translation]
Gözlerime bak Her zaman bir yılan göreceksin Karanlıktan kaç Her zaman hissedeceksin Omurgandan aşağı Dene beni ve acı çek Kutsal ahşaptan saf olmayan...
Tor i Helheim lyrics
En stol højt monne stande alt under hvælvet sten Den var af hovedpande og skøre dødningben Der så man Hel at true, alt var hun hvid mod fod Mod issen ...
Tor i Helheim [English translation]
A chair stood high under arched stone It was made of skulls and brittle bones of the dead There, one could see Hel brooding, she was white to the foot...
Tor i Helheim [Faroese translation]
Ein stólur hátt stendur undir hválvdum steinum Hann var gjørdur úr skøltum og deydningabeinum Har sá ein Hel at trúga, hvít var hon heilt til fót Á kr...
Två konungabarn lyrics
Det var två ädla konungabarn Som lova varandra sin tro Och den som då skulle svika Skulle leva i stor oro Det var en gammal trollekäring Som hörde på ...
Två konungabarn [English translation]
There were two noble children of the kings Who exchanged their vows And the one who will break it Will live in great unrest There was an old witch Who...
Två konungabarn [Faroese translation]
Tað var tvey aðalborin kongabørn Sum lova hvørjum øðrum trúgv Og hvønn ið tá skuldi svika Skal liva í órógv og pínslu Tað var ein gomal trøllkona Sum ...
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