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Owain Phyfe also performed lyrics
English Folk - Greensleeves
Alas, my love, you do me wrong, To cast me off discourteously. For I have loved you well and long, Delighting in your company. (Chorus:) Greensleeves ...
Greensleeves [Albanian translation]
Alas, my love, you do me wrong, To cast me off discourteously. For I have loved you well and long, Delighting in your company. (Chorus:) Greensleeves ...
Greensleeves [Chinese translation]
Alas, my love, you do me wrong, To cast me off discourteously. For I have loved you well and long, Delighting in your company. (Chorus:) Greensleeves ...
Greensleeves [Czech translation]
Alas, my love, you do me wrong, To cast me off discourteously. For I have loved you well and long, Delighting in your company. (Chorus:) Greensleeves ...
Greensleeves [Esperanto translation]
Alas, my love, you do me wrong, To cast me off discourteously. For I have loved you well and long, Delighting in your company. (Chorus:) Greensleeves ...
Guillaume de Machaut - Douce Dame Jolie
Douce dame jolie, Pour dieu ne pensés mie Que nulle ait signorie Seur moy fors vous seulement. Qu'adès sans tricherie Chierie Vous ay et humblement To...
Douce Dame Jolie [Bulgarian translation]
Sladka , khubava gospozho Za Boga , ne mislete, che osven Vas druga tsaruva nad men. Blenuvam kak vinagi bez izmama, Skŭpa, shte vi sluzha Prez vsichk...
Douce Dame Jolie [Chinese translation]
亲爱的可儿,挚爱的佳人 指天为誓,以我对你的忠贞 未曾有人,竟能有幸攫取 我的心灵,除了你,再无其他。 为那不渝,永远的 珍爱, 您的芳泽垂怜,我恭顺谦卑。 报以残生中的日日夜夜, 真意效劳, 毫无秽念私心。 唉,我哀告乞求 只为些许宽慰与希冀; 因我的欢愉黯灭将尽 一旦失却您同情的怜惜。 亲爱的可...
Douce Dame Jolie [English translation]
Sweet, lovely lady for god's sake do not think that any has sovereignty over my heart, but you alone. For always, without treachery Cherished Have I y...
Douce Dame Jolie [English translation]
Sweet, beautiful lady For God's sake, do not think That anyone rules over me But you alone For endlessly, and without falsehood I have cherished you A...
Douce Dame Jolie [French translation]
Douce dame jolie, Pour (l’amour de) Dieu, ne pensez pas Que nulle (autre) a pouvoir Sur moi, que vous seulement (et songez) Que toujours sans tricheri...
Douce Dame Jolie [Italian translation]
Dolce e bella dama, per Dio, non pensiate che vi sia altro potere su di me all’infuori di voi, voi sola. Ché sempre, senza inganno, mia cara, vi ho, u...
Douce Dame Jolie [Russian translation]
Прекрасная жена1, Не думай, смущена, Что мне иная нужна, Кумир мой в жизни - ты! Как только Вас нахожу - Дрожу, От чувств пережитых;  Вам жизнь я поло...
Can she excuse my wrongs [German translation]
Kann sie meine Fehler mit dem Mantel der Tugend bedecken? Soll ich sie lobpreisen, wenn sie sich als grausam erweist? Sind dies helle Feuer dort, die ...
Can she excuse my wrongs [Italian translation]
Puó celar i miei torti di virtù con un manto? Debbo dire che è buona se è crudele soltanto? Sono fuochi lucenti quei che in fumo van tutti? Devo lodar...
Can she excuse my wrongs [Neapolitan translation]
Po’ cummiglià ‘e vertù ‘o mmale fatt’a mme? Aggi'a dì ca éssa è brava si è sultanto crudéle? Chiammo fuóco lucènte quanno sulo fumm’è? Aggi’alludà ‘e ...
Can she excuse my wrongs [Polish translation]
Czy cnoty swymi winy moje zmaże? Czy mam ją nazwać dobrą, choć niemiła? Czy czysty ogień dymem się okaże? Czy chwalić liście, gdzie owocu nie ma? Nie,...
Fuggi, fuggi, fuggi da questo cielo
Fuggi fuggi fuggi da questo cielo asp're duro spietato e gielo tu ch'il tutto i prigioni e leghi ne per pianto ti frangi o pieghi fier tiranno giel de...
Fuggi, fuggi, fuggi da questo cielo [English translation]
Fuggi fuggi fuggi da questo cielo asp're duro spietato e gielo tu ch'il tutto i prigioni e leghi ne per pianto ti frangi o pieghi fier tiranno giel de...
Fuggi, fuggi, fuggi da questo cielo [Ukrainian translation]
Fuggi fuggi fuggi da questo cielo asp're duro spietato e gielo tu ch'il tutto i prigioni e leghi ne per pianto ti frangi o pieghi fier tiranno giel de...
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