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Megadeth lyrics
Don't turn your back [French translation]
[Solo - Chris] Quand tout allait bien, je savais que tu serais toujours là pour moi Oui, c'est vrai, les amis comme toi se font rares Comme je souhait...
Don't turn your back [Serbian translation]
[Solo - Kris] Kada je išlo dobro znao sam da ćeš uvek biti tu za mene Da, istina je, malo je prijatelja poput tebe i daleko su Voleo bih da mogu, da s...
Don't turn your back [Turkish translation]
. İşler tıkırındayken benim yanımda olacağını biliyorum Evet, doğru; senin gibi arkadaşlar hem az hem de mesafeli Keşke yapabilsem, Keşke yapabilsem, ...
Dread and the fugitive mind lyrics
Let me introduce myself I am a social disease I've come for your wealth Leave you on your knees No time for feeling sorry I got here on my own I won't...
Dread and the fugitive mind [Slovak translation]
Dovoľ mi predstaviť sa Som spoločenská nákaza Prišiel som si po tvoje bohatstvo Nechávam ťa na tvojich kolenách Žiaden čas na "je mi to ľúto" Ja sám s...
Dread and the fugitive mind [Spanish translation]
Dejame introducirme Soy una enfermedad social He venido por tú riqueza Abandona sobre tus rodillas No hay tiempo para compasión Estoy aquí yo sólo No ...
Dread and the fugitive mind [Turkish translation]
Kendimi tanıtmama izin verin ben bir sosyal hastalığım Servetin için geldim seni dizlerinin üstüne çök Üzülmek için zaman yok, buraya kendi başıma gel...
Dystopia lyrics
"What you don't know" the legend goes "can't hurt you" If you only want to live and die in fear They tell us to believe just half of what we see And a...
Dystopia [Spanish translation]
"Lo que no sabes", la leyenda va, "no puede lastimarte" Si solo quieres vivir y morircon miedo Nos dicen que creamos solo la mitad de lo que vemos Y a...
Dystopia [Turkish translation]
"Bilmediğin şey" efsane der "sana zarar veremez" Eğer sadece korku içinde yaşamak ve ölmek istiyorsan Bize gördüğümüzün yarısına inanmamızı söylüyorla...
Ecstasy lyrics
You live in a world of fantasy You live in a web of deceit You want it all including me You like it all to be neat I come to you when shadows fall I l...
Elysian fields lyrics
Uneasy feeling burning out my eyes I hope the end is less painful than my life I stand on trial before the gods on judgement day A blink of an eye bet...
Elysian fields [Romanian translation]
Senzație neliniștită arzându-mi ochii Sper că sfârșitul este mai puțin dureros decât viața mea Stau în proces în fața zeilor în ziua judecății O clipi...
Elysian fields [Slovak translation]
Neľahký pocit vypaluje moje oči Dúfam že koniec je menej bolestivý než môj život Stojím v procese pred bohmi na súdny deň Mrk oka medzi kolískou a hro...
Elysian fields [Spanish translation]
Sensación incómoda quemando mis ojos Espero que el fin sea menos doloroso que mi vida Estoy en juicio antes los dioses en el día del juicio Un abrir y...
Endgame lyrics
Attention, attention All citizens are ordered to report to their District detention centers Do not return to your homes Do not contact anyone Do not u...
Endgame [Russian translation]
Внимание, внимание Всему населению проследовать к ближайшему концлагерю Запрещается возвращаться в дома Запрещается общаться друг с другом Запрещается...
Enter the Arena lyrics
Here we go Crush, crush, crush, crush 'em Crush, crush, crush, crush 'em Crush, crush, crush, crush 'em Crush (crush), crush (crush), crush (crush), c...
Family tree lyrics
[Instrumental Intro] Forgotten things remembered The tigers eat their young The body stayed, but inside head The mind was on the run A conspiracy of s...
Family tree [Romanian translation]
Intro Instrumental Lucruri uitate revin la suprafață Tigrii își mănâncă puii Trupul a rămas, însă în creier Mintea o lua la fugă O conspirație a tăcer...
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