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Megadeth lyrics
Crush'Em lyrics
Enter the arena and hit the lights Step up now you're in for a ride this is war, ain't no fun and games we get it up, you go down in flames Party time...
Crush'Em [Turkish translation]
Arenaya girin ve ışıkları vurun Kalkın, binmek üzeresiniz Bu savaş, eğlence ya da oyun değil Kalkar ve alevlere inersiniz Parti zamanı, aşağı gidiyor ...
Dance in the Rain lyrics
Sentenced to work a dead end 9 to 5 Trapped in a dingy corporate cubicle hell Then go to work in the darkness on the midnight shift Any chance you get...
Dawn Patrol lyrics
Thermal count is rising In perpetual writhing The primordial ooze And the sanity they lose Awakened in the morning To more air pollution warnings Stil...
Dawn Patrol [German translation]
Die Grade nehmen zu mit unaufhörliches Krümmen der ursprüngliche Schlamm Und der Verstand, den sie verlieren. Erwacht am Morgen Mit mehr Luftbelastung...
Dawn Patrol [Greek translation]
Η μέτρηση της θερμοκρασίας ανεβαίνει Σε αέναο σφαδασμό Ο αρχέγονος σταλαγμός Και τα λογικά τους που χάνουν Ξυπνήσαμε το πρωί Εμπρός σε περισσότερες πρ...
Dawn Patrol [Romanian translation]
Numărul termic crește în perpetuă zvârcolire Materia primordială și sănătatea pe care o pierd Treziți dimineața pentru mai multe avertismente de polua...
Dawn Patrol [Russian translation]
Тепловые выбросы увеличиваются В вечных корчах. Они лишают первозданного ила И здравомыслия. Нас подняли утром На предупреждения о сильном загрязнении...
Dawn Patrol [Turkish translation]
Şafak Devriyesi Isısal sayaç yükseliyor Sonsuza değin acıyla kıvranacak İlkel pozlarını Ve sağlam düşüncelerini Kaybediyoruz Sabah uyanıp Daha çok kir...
Deadly Nightshade lyrics
Come now my lovely, won't you Take a midnight stroll with me? Through the misty air the things I keep I shouldn't dare My garden's so inviting, and it...
Death from Within lyrics
The heat is raging from the rising fires of war Embers of avarice soon begin to soar Vengeance breeding greater vengeance, two eyes for one eye Crowni...
Devils Island lyrics
The light that fills my lonely cell is blocked out by the key That locks the door to this hell, the place they wanted me Time's racing like the wind, ...
Diadems lyrics
Sacrilege and blasphemy set the stage today The more insatiable the sex The more swelled our tongues became As prehistoric as it seems This is now, to...
Die Dead Enough lyrics
It's twilight and I wake up hot My body's soaked in a cold, cold sweat I re-enact the lurid scenes And clawed engravings in my head Oh, I can't punch ...
Die Dead Enough [Turkish translation]
Alacakaranlık ve sıcak uyanıyorum Vücudum soğuk, soğuk bir tere batırılmış Korkunç sahneleri canlandırıyorum Ve kafamda pençeli gravürler Oh, yeterinc...
Disconnect lyrics
Behind closed doors all you live for is taking That double life of yours has left your whole world shaking Who are you fooling? I know you hear the la...
Disconnect [Serbian translation]
Iza zatvorenih vrata tvoj život je uzimanje Taj dvostruki život prodrmao ti je ceo svet Koga zavaravaš? Znam da čuješ smeh Zar ne čuješ glasine? Šta d...
Disconnect [Slovak translation]
Za zavretými dvermi pre všetko čo žiješ sa chytá Tohto tvojho dvojitého života ktorý zanechal celý tvoj trasuci sa svet Koho blázniš? Viem že počuješ ...
Disconnect [Spanish translation]
Detrás de puertas cerradas, todo por lo que vives está tomando Esa doble vida tuya ha dejado a todo tu mundo temblando ¿A quién estás engañando? Yo sé...
Don't turn your back lyrics
[Solo - Chris] When things were good I know you would always be there for me Yes, It's true; friends like you are few and far between I wish I may, I ...
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