Sonnet 5 Those hours that with gentle work did frame [Romanian translation]
Același soare bun ce o răsfață,
şi scaldă-n dulcea lui lumină floarea,
Îi va sluți cândva plăpânda față,
Ca un tiran, tăindu-i respirarea
Cu toamne lu...
Sonnet 5 Those hours that with gentle work did frame [Russian translation]
Так Время, филигранно отточив
Черты Творения, в усладу глаз,
Предстанет – что за деспот! – супротив
Красы той, что во всем превыше нас.
Неумолимо гони...
Sonnet 53 [German translation]
What is your substance, whereof are you made,
That millions of strange shadows on you tend?
Since every one hath, every one, one shade,
And you but on...