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The The lyrics
Sweet Bird Of Truth
"Flight leader, this is "Combat" your forward end controller I have three targets for you Your first target is a blockhouse, target number 11 at the n...
Armageddon days are here again lyrics
Are you ready Jesus? Uh huh... Buddha? Yeah... Muhammed? Ok... Well alright fellas, let's go! They're 5 miles high as the crow flies, leavin' vapour t...
Armageddon days are here again [French translation]
T'es prêt Jesus? Oui oui... Bouddha ? Ouais... Mohammed ? D'ac... Alors c'est bon les gars, on y va ! Ils sont à 8000 mètres à vol d’oiseau, à dessine...
Armageddon days are here again [Spanish translation]
¿Estás listo Jesús? UH Huh... ¿Buda? Sí... Muhammed? De acuerdo... ¡Bien, amigos, vamos! Son 5 millas de alto como el cuervo vuela Dejando rastros de ...
Love is stronger than death lyrics
Love, love, love Love, love, love Me and my friend were walking in the cold light of mourning. 1 Tears may blind the eyes but the soul is not deceived...
Love is stronger than death [Chinese translation]
愛,愛,愛 愛,愛,愛 我和我的朋友在散步 在追悼的冷光下 眼淚可以使眼睛失明,但靈魂不會被欺騙 在這個世界上,即使是冬天也不是它所看到的那樣 這是藍天,這是春天 河流崛起,眼淚枯竭 當一切都消逝了 會再次上升 愛,愛,愛比死更強 愛,愛,愛比死更強 在我們的生活中,我們渴望那些我們無法觸及的人 所...
Love is stronger than death [French translation]
L'amour, l'amour, l'amour L'amour, l'amour, l'amour. Mon ami et moi nous promenions sous la lumière froide d'un matin de deuil. 1 Les larmes peuvent a...
The beaten generation lyrics
When you cast your eyes upon the skylines of this once proud nation can you sense the fear and the hatred growing in the hearts of its population? And...
The beaten generation [French translation]
Quand tu jettes un œil sur la silhouette de cette nation autrefois fière Est-ce que tu peux ressentir la crainte et la haine qui grandissent dans les ...
The beaten generation [French translation]
En contemplant les villes de cette nation autrefois pleine de fierté, est-ce que tu sens la peur et la haine qui enflent dans le cœur de ses habitants...
The beaten generation [German translation]
Wenn du deine Augen auf das Schattenbild dieser einst stolzen Nation wirfst, kannst du (dann) die Angst und den Hass in den Herzen der Bevölkerung her...
This is the day lyrics
Well you didn't wake up this morning 'cause you didn't go to bed You were watching the whites of your eyes turn red The calendar on your wall was tick...
This is the day [Bosnian translation]
Znači nisi se probudila jutros 'jer nisi otišla na spavanje Posmatrala si kako ti se oči crvene Kalendar na tvom zidu otkucava dane Čitala si neka sta...
This is the day [French translation]
Tu ne t’es pas levé ce matin parce que tu ne t’es pas couché Tu regardais le blanc de tes yeux devenir rouges Le calendrier accroché au mur égrenait l...
This is the day [Italian translation]
Questa mattina non ti sei svegliato, perché a dormire non ci sei andato Sei rimasto a guardare mentre la sclera dei tuoi occhi venarsi di rosso Il cal...
This is the day [Russian translation]
Ты не проснулся этим утром, потому что ты и не ложился спать Ты смотрел, как белки глаз становятся красными Календарь на твоей стене всё зачёркивал дн...
This is the day [Turkish translation]
Bugün yatağına erken gitmediğin için erken kalkmadın Kırmızıya dönmüş gözlerinin aklarını izliyorsun Duvarındaki takvimde günler geçiyor Bazı eski mek...
True happiness this way lies lyrics
Hey man, I got what you need! And have you ever wanted something so badly That it possessed your body and your soul Through the night and through the ...
True happiness this way lies [French translation]
Hé mec, j’ai ce qu’il te faut! Et est-ce que tu as déjà voulu quelque chose tellement fort Que ça possédait ton corps et ton âme Toute la nuit et tout...
Uncertain smile lyrics
Peeling the skin back from my eyes I felt surprised That the time on the clock was the time I usually retired To the place where I cleared my head of ...
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