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Rosenstolz lyrics
Ausgesperrt [Spanish translation]
Me pedí asilo a mí misma y me acojí en mi casa pero rápido me agobié a mi misma y me eché fuera de mí ahora estoy aquí completamente sin casa y me hie...
Ausgesperrt [Tongan translation]
'Oku ou fehu'i ki he hufanga Pea hu 'atu ki ai Kae fuu lahi ia 'iate au Pea hola ki tu'a 'Oku ou tu'u heni, hala fale Pea mokosia au 'o mei mei mate '...
Ausgesperrt [Turkish translation]
kendimden bir siginma istedim ve kendim kabul ediyorum ama kendime cok fazla geldim ve kendimi tekrar disari attim simdi burada tamamen evsiz duruyoru...
Bastard lyrics
Jede Nacht ein langes Warten jeder Tag geht nie vorbei bist der Räuber meines Glaubens und geliebter Samurai Jedes mal wenn ich Dich sehe geht die Stu...
Bastard [English translation]
Every night a long wait Each day is never over (You)are robbers of my faith and beloved Samurai Everytime that I see you The moment is much too fast E...
Bastard [English translation]
Every night a long wait Every day does never go by You’re the thief of my faith And beloved samurai Every time I see you The hour goes much too fast a...
Bastard [Tongan translation]
'I he po kotoa pe, ha tali fuoloa Hala'ataa faka'osi 'e he 'aho kotoa pe Ko koe ko e kaiha'a 'o 'eku tui Mo hoku Samulai1faka'ofa 'I he taimi kotoa pe...
Bastard [Turkish translation]
her gece uzun bir bekleyiş hiçbir gün bitmiyor sen benim inançlarımın hırsızı ve sevgili Samuraysın seni her gördüğümde zaman su gibi geçiyor sonra be...
Beautiful lyrics
Leere Straßen, leere Nacht Letzte Ausfahrt längst verpasst Falsche Richtung, falscher Ort Viel zu lange war ich fort Find nicht mehr nach Haus Sag, da...
Beautiful [English translation]
Empty streets, empty night Missed the exit long ago Wrong way, wrong place I’ve been gone far too long Can’t find my way home Say you’ll stay with me ...
Beautiful [Tongan translation]
Hala maha, po maha Kuoloa 'i he hala 'o e 'alu'anga Tafaaki kehe, potu kehe Fuoloa he'eku 'alu 'Oku 'ikai keu lava 'o foki ki 'api Lea, teke nofo koe ...
Beiße mich lyrics
Immer wenn die Turmuhr schlägt Zwölfmal hinterdrein Muss ich auf den Friedhof gehen Will ich bei dir sein Du schöne, blasse Kreatur Im Mantel rot wie ...
Beiße mich [English translation]
Whenever the clock-tower strikes For the twelfth time To the cemetery, I must go I want to be with you You beautiful, pale creature, you In a coat red...
Beiße mich [Tongan translation]
'I he taimi kotoa 'oku ta 'a e falema'olunga-taimi Ki he houa hongofulu maa ua Pau keu 'alu ki mala'e 'Oku ou fiema'u keu nofo mo koe Ko koe ha jino f...
Beiße mich [Turkish translation]
her ne zaman saat kulesi on iki kez çalsa arkadan mezarlığa gitmeliyim seninle olmak istiyorum sen güzel solgun yaratık kan kırmızı bir palto içinde b...
Bester Feind lyrics
Und du stehst vor deiner Leinwand Malst dein Leben dir dann bunt Fühlst dich ganz gesund Hast vergessen dich zu erinnern Nein es fällt dir nicht mehr ...
Bester Feind [English translation]
And you stood before the canvas1 You paint your life -- brightly colored You feel very well You forget to remember Nope, it no longer matters2 to you ...
Bester Feind [English translation]
And you stand in front of your canvas (You) paint your life then more colorful You feel quite healthy You quickly forget to remember. No, it doesn’t c...
Bester Feind [Spanish translation]
Y estás ante tu lienzo pintándote la vida de colores te sientes completamente sano Te has olvidado de recordad No, ya no se te ocurre Se te debe haber...
Bester Feind [Tongan translation]
Pea na'e tu'u ko e 'i mu'a ho me'a hilita Vali ho mo'ui 'i ai mo e lanu tokolahi Ongo'i koe lelei 'aupito. Naa ke ngalo koe ke ongo'i kita 'Ikai toe '...
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