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Smiley lyrics
Dead man walking [Japanese translation]
君が僕のもとを去った時、君は僕を殺したんだ 今 君が見ているのは一人の死に行く男 君が僕のもとを去った時、君は僕を殺したんだ 今 君が見ているのは一人の死に行く男 (死に行く男) (死に行く男) (死に行く男) 僕はノーと言い、君はイエスと言った 僕は行くよ、もう君を愛せない そして君は僕を置き去り...
Dead man walking [Polish translation]
Zabiłaś mnie, Gdy mnie zostawiłaś Teraz patrzysz Na chodzącego trupa x2 Chodzącego trupa x3 Powiedziałem nie, powiedziałaś tak Nie pokocham Cię już wi...
Dead man walking [Romanian translation]
M-ai omorât când m-ai părăsit Acum te uiţi la un zombi M-ai omorât când m-ai părăsit Acum te uiţi la un zombi (Zombi) (Zombi) (Zombi) Am spus nu,tu ai...
Dead man walking [Russian translation]
Ты убила меня когда меня покинула, и теперь ты смотрищь на ходячий труп. Убила меня, когда меня бросила. Теперь ты смотрищь на ходячего мертвеца. (ход...
Dead man walking [Serbian translation]
Ubila si me kada si me ostavila Sada gledaš mrtvaca koji hoda Ubila si me kada si me ostavila Sada gledaš mrtvaca koji hoda (mrtvog čoveka koji hoda) ...
Dead man walking [Spanish translation]
Me mataste cuando me dejaste Ahora miras al muerto viviente Me mataste cuando me dejaste Ahora miras al muerto viviente. (Muerto viviente) (Muerto viv...
Dead man walking [Turkish translation]
Terkettiğinde beni öldürdün Şimdi ölü bir adamın gidişine bakıyorsun Terkettiğinde beni öldürdün Şimdi ölü bir adamın gidişine bakıyorsun Ölü adamın g...
Dead man walking [Turkish translation]
Terkettiğinde, öldürdün beni, Şimdi yürüyen ölü bir adama bakıyorsun, Beni terkettiğinde öldürdün, Şimdi yürüyen ölü bir adama bakıyorsun. (Yürüyen öl...
Designed to love you lyrics
From my shoulders to my chest From my chat way down to my waist From my hands down to my toes I'm the man that really knows From my iris to my lips Fr...
Designed to love you [Romanian translation]
From my shoulders to my chest From my chat way down to my waist From my hands down to my toes I'm the man that really knows From my iris to my lips Fr...
Domnu' Smiley lyrics
Singur seara prin oras Domnu' Smiley, ce mai faci Oficial fac bine, ce-i neoficial fac maine M-am dusat am hranit caine si fac pasi Tu.. Nu ma-ntreba ...
Domnu' Smiley [English translation]
Alone in the evening in the city Mister Smiley, how are you? Official I am good, what is unofficial I do tomorroew I had a shower, I fed a dog and I t...
Domnu' Smiley [German translation]
Abends allein in der Stadt. Herr Smiley, wie geht es dir? Offiziell geht es mir gut, was morgen sein wird ist inoffiziell. Ich habe mich geduscht, hab...
Domnu' Smiley [Italian translation]
Da solo la sera in città Signor Smiley, come va Ufficialmente sto bene, ciò che non è ufficiale lo faccio domani Ho fatto la doccia ho dato da mangiar...
Dreamgirl lyrics
I’m sitting alone drinking alcohol I’m writing a song about you I know it’s so sad, maybe even mad But I know what you’re doing behind my back And you...
Dreamgirl [French translation]
Je suis assis seul, à boire de l'alcool, J'écris une chanson sur toi Je sais que c'est très triste, peut-être même fou Mais je sais ce que tu fais dan...
Dreamgirl [German translation]
Ich sitze allein, trinke Alkohol Ich schreibe ein Lied über dich Ich weiß, es ist so traurig, vielleicht sogar verrückt Aber ich weiß was du hinter me...
Dreamgirl [Hungarian translation]
Egyedül ülök, alkoholt iszok, Írok rólad egy dalt, Tudom, ez annyira szomorú, talán még őrült is, De tudom, mit csinálsz a hátam mögött. És azt mondod...
Dreamgirl [Italian translation]
Siedo da solo bevendo alcool Sto scrivendo una canzone su di te So che è così triste, forse anche una pazzia Ma so cosa fai dietro alle mie spalle E t...
Dreamgirl [Romanian translation]
Stau singur, beau alcool Şi scriu un cântec despre tine Ştiu că e atât de trist, poate chiar nebunesc Dar ştiu ce faci pe la spatele meu Şi susţii că ...
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