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Steven Wilson lyrics
Significant Other [Spanish translation]
Pullin' back from the precipice Feel so small now, stars shine bright above Don't know why Receive a better life for a song Can't but try, other leads...
Song Of Unborn lyrics
It's not what you'll possess It's how you will express The essence of you It's not the wage you earn It's about the things you learn And the love that...
Song Of Unborn [Portuguese translation]
Não é o que você possuirá É como você expressará A sua essência Não é o salário que você recebe É sobre as coisas que você aprende E o amor que você s...
Song Of Unborn [Spanish translation]
No es lo poseerás Sino cómo expresarás Tu esencia No es el salario que ganes Sino las cosas que aprendas y el amor que sientas No es lo que vayas a oc...
The Day Before You Came lyrics
Must have left my house at eight, because I always do My train, I'm certain, left the station just when it was due I must have read the morning paper ...
The Day Before You Came [Dutch translation]
Ik moet zoals gewoonlijk om acht uur van huis vertrokken zijn / Ik ben er zeker van dat mijn trein op tijd vertrok / Ik moet op weg naar de stad de oc...
The Day Before You Came [Persian translation]
حتما خانه ام را در ساعت ۸ ترک کرده ام چون همیشه اینطور است مطمئنم که قطار راس ساعت ایستگاه را ترک کرده حتما هنگام رفتن به شهر روزنامه صبح را خوانده ام...
The Day Before You Came [Turkish translation]
evden 8'de ayrılmış olmalıyım, çünkü hep öyle yapıyorum trenim, eminim, vakti geldiğinde istasyondan ayrıldı kasabaya giden sabah gazetesini okumuş ol...
The Holy Drinker lyrics
The Holy Drinker and his curse In constant serfage to unquenchable thirst And from his stupor the night gives birth The devil rises from right out of ...
The Holy Drinker [Spanish translation]
El Santo Bebedor y su maldición En constante servidumbre a una sed insaciable Y de su estupor la noche da a luz El diablo se levanta desde debajo de l...
The Pin Drop lyrics
Carried away by the river that passes through bulrushes on to the sea Dragged by the current to rest on the stakes of the breakwater shaded by trees B...
The Raven That Refused to Sing lyrics
Sing for me Sing for me You can come with me You can live with me Heal my soul Make me whole (the raven sings in a dream) Sister I lost you When you w...
The Raven That Refused to Sing [Greek translation]
Sing for me Sing for me You can come with me You can live with me Heal my soul Make me whole (the raven sings in a dream) Sister I lost you When you w...
The Raven That Refused to Sing [Spanish translation]
Sing for me Sing for me You can come with me You can live with me Heal my soul Make me whole (the raven sings in a dream) Sister I lost you When you w...
The Same Asylum As Before lyrics
Are you proud of all your failures? Are you dragging mother nature down? You believe you have dominion So you force your lame opinions on me And my eg...
The Same Asylum As Before [Greek translation]
Είσαι περήφανος για όλες σου τις αποτυχίες; Σέρνεις τη μητέρα φύση προς τα κάτω; Πιστεύεις πως έχεις κυριαρχία Οπότε επιβάλλεις τις ανόητες απόψεις σο...
The Same Asylum As Before [Portuguese translation]
Você tem orgulho dos seus erros? Você está levando a mãe natureza para baixo? Você acredita que o controle Então você força suas drogas de opiniões so...
The Same Asylum As Before [Spanish translation]
¿Estás orgulloso de todos tus errores? ¿estás destruyendo a la madre naturaleza?, crees que tienes dominio, así que fuerzas tus patéticas opiniones so...
The Unquiet Grave lyrics
Cold blows the wind to my true love, And gently drops the rain. I've never had but one true love, And in green-wood he lies slain. I'll do as much for...
The Unquiet Grave [German translation]
Cold blows the wind to my true love, And gently drops the rain. I've never had but one true love, And in green-wood he lies slain. I'll do as much for...
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