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Steven Wilson lyrics
Hand. Cannot. Erase. lyrics
Together, we have this love. Even so, it's not enough. Bruised and burned, we won't lose heart Just because life gets hard. Writing lying e-mails to o...
Hand. Cannot. Erase. [French translation]
Ensemble, nous avons cet amour. Pourtant, ça ne suffit pas. Meurtris et brûlés, on ne baissera pas les bras Juste parce que la vie se fait dure. On éc...
Hand. Cannot. Erase. [Spanish translation]
Juntos, tenemos este amor, pero aun así, no es suficiente. Heridos y quemados, no nos desmotivaremos, sólo porque la vida se ponga difícil. Escribimos...
Hand. Cannot. Erase. [Swedish translation]
Tillsammans, har vi denna kärlek. Men ändå, är det inte tillräckligt. Blåslagna och brända, ska vi inte förlora hjärta Bara för att livet blir hårt. S...
Happy Returns lyrics
Hey brother, happy returns It’s been a while now I bet you thought that I was dead But I'm still here, nothing's changed Hey brother, I'd love to tell...
Happy Returns [Czech translation]
Ahoj bráško, vše nej! Je to už nějaká doba Vsadím se, že sis myslel, že je po mně, Ale stále jsem tu, vše při starém. Ahoj bráško, ráda bych ti řekla,...
Happy Returns [Turkish translation]
Hey kardeşim, mutlu yıllara Uzun zaman oldu İddia ederim ki öldüğümü sandın Ama hala buradayım, hiç bir şey değişmedi. Hey kardeşim, sana söylemek ist...
Harmony Korine lyrics
Rain, come down, and fall forever Drain, the dirt, into the wasteland Pray, for sound, to quiet the howling Feel, no shame, too brave Feel, afraid, to...
Harmony Korine [Spanish translation]
Rain, come down, and fall forever Drain, the dirt, into the wasteland Pray, for sound, to quiet the howling Feel, no shame, too brave Feel, afraid, to...
Heartattack In A Layby lyrics
I pull off the road East of Baldock and Ashford Feeling for my cell In the light from the dashboard Hissing from the road The smell of rain in the air...
Home Invasion lyrics
Download sex and download God. Download the funds to meet the cost. Download a dream home and a wife. Download the ocean and the sky. Another day of l...
Home Invasion [Spanish translation]
Descarga sexo y descarga a Dios. Descargue los fondos para cubrir el costo Descarga una casa soñada y una esposa Descarga el océano y el cielo Otro dí...
Index lyrics
I’m a collector, I collect anything I find I never throw anything away that’s mine And I’d collect you too if I was given half a chance And trap you u...
Index [Greek translation]
Είμαι συλλέκτης, μαζεύω ό,τι βρω Δεν πετάω ποτέ τίποτα που είναι δικό μου Και θα σε συνέλεγα και σένα αν μου δινόταν μισή ευκαιρία Και θα σε παγίδευα ...
Index [Spanish translation]
Soy un coleccionista, colecciono todo lo que encuentro Nunca tiro nada que sea mío Y también te colectaría si tuviese la mínima oportunidad Y te atrap...
Luminol lyrics
Here we all are born into a struggle To come so far but end up returning to dust Oxfam panache and tips his hat (laces undone) He has no truck with id...
Luminol [Spanish translation]
Aquí nacemos todos debatiéndonos en una lucha Para llegar tan lejos pero terminar volviendo al polvo Con estilo desgarbado y se inclina el sombrero (c...
Nowhere Now lyrics
[Intro] Six feet underground We move backwards now At the speed of sound We are nowhere now [Verse 1] Too much time to kill Too much wasted ink Too mu...
Nowhere Now [Greek translation]
Δύο μέτρα κάτω από το έδαφος Κινούμαστε προς τα πίσω τώρα Στην ταχύτητα του ήχου Δεν είμαστε πουθενά τώρα Πολύς χρόνος να σκοτώσουμε Πολύ σπαταλημένο ...
Pariah lyrics
I'm tired of weakness, tired of my feet of clay I'm tired of days to come, I'm tired of yesterday And all the worn out things that I ever said Now it'...
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