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Eddie Rabbitt lyrics
You and I
Just you and I Sharing our love together And I know in time We'll build the dreams we treasure And we'll be all right, just you and I Just you and I (...
You and I [French translation]
Rien que toi et moi Partageant notre amour Et je sais qu'un jour Nos rêves les plus chers s'accompliront Et on sera bien, rien que toi et moi Rien que...
You and I [Spanish translation]
Sólo tú y yo Compartiendo juntos nuestro amor Y sé que con el tiempo Edificaremos los sueños que atesoramos Estaremos bien, sólo tú y yo Sólo tú y yo ...
You and I [Turkish translation]
Sen ve ben, aşkımızı paylaşıyoruz, Ve biliyorum zamanla değer verdiğimiz hayallerimizi inşa edeceğiz, İyi olacağız, sadece sen ve ben, Sadece sen ve b...
Driving My Life Away lyrics
Well the midnight headlights Blind you on a rainy night Steep grade up ahead, slow me down, makin' no time But I got to keep a-rollin' Those windshiel...
Every Which Way but Loose lyrics
I've always been the kind of man Who doesn't believe in strings Long-term obligations Are just unnecessary things But girl, you got me thinking While ...
I Love A Rainy Night lyrics
Well, I love a rainy night I love a rainy night I love to hear the thunder Watch the lightning When it lights up the sky You know it makes me feel goo...
I Love A Rainy Night [Croatian translation]
Pa, volim kišnu noć volim kišnu noć volim čuti grmljavinu gledati munju kada se osvjetli nebo znaš da se osjećam dobro Pa, volim kišnu noć to je kao l...
I Love A Rainy Night [French translation]
Eh bien j'aime la nuit pluvieuse J'aime la nuit pluvieuse J'aime entendre le tonnerre Regarder les éclairs Quand ils illuminent le ciel Tu sais que ça...
I Love A Rainy Night [Italian translation]
Bene, amo una notte di pioggia Amo una notte di pioggia Amo sentire il tuono Guardare il fulmine Quando illumina il cielo Sai, mi fa stare bene Bene, ...
I Love A Rainy Night [Russian translation]
Я так люблю дождливые ночи Я люблю дождливые ночи Я люблю слушать раскаты грома Смотреть за молнией Когда она освещает небо Ты же знаешь, что мне от э...
I Love A Rainy Night [Spanish translation]
Bueno, amo una noche lluviosa Amo una noche lluviosa Amo escuchar el trueno Ver el rayo Cuando se ilumina el cielo Tú sabes que me hace sentir bien Bu...
I Love A Rainy Night [Swedish translation]
Tja, jag älskar en regnig natt Jag älskar en regnig natt Jag älskar att höra åskan Titta på blixten När den lyser upp himlen Du vet att det får mig at...
I Love A Rainy Night [Tongan translation]
Pea ku sai'ia au ha pō 'uha'ia Ku sai'ia au ha pō 'uha'ia Ku sai'ia au ke fanongo 'a e mana 'O mamata ki he 'uhila 'I hono ulo ange ki langi na Ke'ilo...
Rocky Mountain Music lyrics
Back upon an old dirt road Next to a swamp full of toads Was a slanted wood shack With three little kids and a mama Papa died in '63 Left little Jenny...
Rocky Mountain Music [German translation]
An einer schäbigen, unbefestigten Straße neben einem Supf voller Kröten stand eine windschiefe Holzhütte mit drei kleinen Kindern und einer Mutter dri...
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