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Suicide Silence lyrics
Wasted lyrics
You see I'm wasted I can't quite get up yet You see I'm wasted I can't quite get up yet You see my head's off resting in this delusional stare You see...
We Have All Had Enough lyrics
Let it go You act like you know You act like progression is lost Motivation is your tool to distort Let me move forward with you The truth is in your ...
You Can't Stop Me lyrics
And I will continue to move forward, Crushing everything. Diamond crusher and I am the hammer. You're worthless, not me. Living a lie that only I can ...
You Can't Stop Me [Hungarian translation]
És továbbra is haladok előre, mindent összezúzva. Gyémántzúzó és én vagyok a kalapács. Te vagy az értéktelen és nem én. Hazugságban élni, ez minden am...
You Only Live Once lyrics
Push your care, push your burdens aside Erase everything inside and leave just one thing on your mind. You only live once so just go fucking nuts! Go!...
You Only Live Once [Spanish translation]
Empuja tu preocupación, empuja a un lado tu carga Borra todo dentro de ti y solo deja una cosa en tu mente ¡Solo vives una vez así que vuélvete jodida...
You Only Live Once [Turkish translation]
İlgini it, yüklerini bir kenara it İçindeki her şeyi sil ve beyninde sadece tek bir şey bırak Sadece bir kez yaşarsın öyleyse sadece git kahrolası del...
Your Creations lyrics
So wake from ignorance and take up shield For your creations, for your creations For your creations, for your creations So wake from ignorance and tak...
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