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Tonight Alive lyrics
We Are lyrics
Close your eyes, fall away Touch the light, seize the day If all we are is dust in space Then tell me why I feel this way I want more for the world th...
We Are [French translation]
Fermez vos yeux, tombez Touchez la lumière, saisez le jour si nous ne sommes que la poussière dans l'espace puis dit moipourquoi je me sens cette faço...
Welcome lyrics
Did I come at a bad time? Did I say something wrong? And don't tell me I'm crazy, I wouldn't be writing this song If I didn't feel, didn't feel this w...
Welcome [French translation]
Suis-je venue au mauvais moment? Ai-je dit quelque chose de déplacé? Et ne me dis pas que je suis folle, je n'écrirais pas cette Chanson si je ne me s...
What Are You So Scared Of? lyrics
Well it's a sad truth, living with these hungry hands It's a shame, we don't know how much we have We're scared of what we do not know No matter where...
What Are You So Scared Of? [French translation]
Quelle triste réalité que de vivre avec ces mains avides Quel dommage, nous ne savons pas combien nous avons Nous avons peur de ce que nous ne connais...
What Are You So Scared Of? [Italian translation]
È una triste realtà vivere con queste mani affamate È un peccato, non ci rendiamo conto di quanto abbiamo Siamo spaventati da ciò che non conosciamo N...
World Away lyrics
A part of me always believed I must have brought this on myself 'Cause I'm not where I want to be And everytime I wanna change my life It just feels l...
You Don't Owe Me Anything lyrics
This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do I don't know where to turn If I can't turn to you, no Coz I've made enough mistakes To last us both a li...
You Don't Owe Me Anything [Dutch translation]
Dit is het moeilijkste dat ik ooit te doen had Ik weet niet tot wie ik me moet wenden Als ik me niet tot jou kan wenden, neen Want ik heb genoeg foute...
You Don't Owe Me Anything [French translation]
C'est la chose la plus difficile que j'aie jamais eu à faire. Je ne sais pas vers où aller si ce n'est plus vers toi, parce que j'ai fait assez d'erre...
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