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Álex Ubago lyrics
Cuenta conmigo lyrics
[Álex Ubago] Fuimos dos rayos de sol Cruzando la oscuridad Y te confieso que aun hoy Me duele mirar atrás Pero no puedo olvidar Que me has dado tanto ...
Cuenta conmigo [English translation]
(Alex Ubago) We were two rays of sunshine Crossing the darkness and I confess that still today hurts to look back But I can't forget That you have giv...
20 horas de nada lyrics
He notado la luz de tus ojos cuando estaban los míos cerrados y he sentido el calor de tus labios sin haberlos rosado he notado un pinchazo en el alma...
20 horas de nada [English translation]
I've noticed the light in your eyes While mine were closed And I've felt the warmth from your lips without having touched them I noticed I felt a punc...
20 horas de nada [Filipino/Tagalog translation]
napansin ko ang ningning ng iyong mga mata habang ang sa kin ay nakasara naramdaman ko ang init ng iyong mga labi kahit hindi ito dumampi napansin ko ...
A gritos de esperanza lyrics
A pesar de que la luna no brille mañana me dará igual sólo verte reír Es lo que me hace feliz. mi alma... Y es verdad que una mirada distinta o algún ...
A gritos de esperanza [Arabic translation]
على الرغم من أن القمر لن يشرق غدًا لن يهمني فقط أن أراك تضحك هذا ما يجعلني سعيدا. روحي... وصحيح أن نظرة مختلفة أو بعض الايحائات أكثر برودة على صدري، خ...
A gritos de esperanza [Bosnian translation]
Razmišljajući o tome da mjesec sutra neće sijati Svejedno mi je, samo vidjeti te nasmijanu Je ono što me čini sretnim Moju dušu... Istina je, da jedan...
A gritos de esperanza [Croatian translation]
Usprkos tome što Mjesec sutra neće sjati Svejedno mi je, dokle god te vidim nasmijanu To je ono što usrećuje mene Moju dušu... I istina je da se jedan...
A gritos de esperanza [English translation]
Even if the moon won't shine tomorrow, it won't matter - to just see you laughing is what makes me happy... my soul. And it's true that a different lo...
A gritos de esperanza [English translation]
Although the moon doesn't shine tomorrow it won't matter, just seeing you laugh is what makes me happy, my soul And it is true that one different look...
A gritos de esperanza [English translation]
Even if the moon doesn't shine tomorrow night, it will be the same to me Only seeing your laughter is what makes me happy, my love And it is true that...
A gritos de esperanza [English translation]
Even though the moon won't shine tomorrow it makes no difference to me, just seeing you smile is what makes me happy. my soul... And it's true that a ...
A gritos de esperanza [English translation]
Despite the fact that the moon won't shine tomorrow I don't care,only seeing you smile Is what makes me happy,my soul... And it's true that a differen...
A gritos de esperanza [English translation]
To think about that the moon doesn't shine tomorrow I don't care, i only want to see you smiling it's what makes me happy my soul.. And it's true that...
A gritos de esperanza [French translation]
Même si la lune ne brille pas demain ça me sera égal, car te voir rire est ce qui me rend heureux. Mon âme... Et c'est vrai qu'un regard différent ou ...
A gritos de esperanza [Hebrew translation]
ולמרות שהירח לא יזרח מחר, זה לא ישנה לי. רק לראות אותך צוחקת, זה מה שעושה אותי מאושר, נשמתי... וזה נכון, שמבט אחד שונה, או מחווה אחת קרה, נועצת בחזה ש...
A gritos de esperanza [Romanian translation]
Chiar dacă luna nu străluceşte mâine, Nu-mi va pasa, numai să te vad zâmbind E ceea ce face să fiu fericit, Sufletul meu.. Şi e adevărat că o privire ...
A gritos de esperanza [Russian translation]
Даже (1)если луна не будет сиять завтра мне будет все равно, только видеть как ты смеешься делает меня счастливым душа моя... И правда то, что не тот ...
A gritos de esperanza [Serbian translation]
Uprkos što mesec ne sija, sutra, Svejedno je, samo da te vidim da se smeješ To me čini srećnim, moju dušu Tačno je da drugačiji pogled Ili neki hladni...
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