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Calogero featuring lyrics
Prendre racine lyrics
C'est pas très loin de la ville C'est pas plus grand qu'un cœur tranquille C'est nos racines C'est nos racines Vouloir toujours cacher aux autres ses ...
Prendre racine [English translation]
C'est pas très loin de la ville C'est pas plus grand qu'un cœur tranquille C'est nos racines C'est nos racines Vouloir toujours cacher aux autres ses ...
Prendre racine [Latvian translation]
C'est pas très loin de la ville C'est pas plus grand qu'un cœur tranquille C'est nos racines C'est nos racines Vouloir toujours cacher aux autres ses ...
Face à la mer
(Passi) On ne choisit ni son origine, ni sa couleur de peau. Comme on rêve d'une vie de château, quand on vit le ghetto. Naître l'étau autour du cou c...
Face à la mer [English translation]
You don't choose your origins, nor the color of your skin It's dreaming about living in a palace, while enduring the ghetto Being born a yoke on the n...
Face à la mer [English translation]
(Passi) You choose neither your origin, nor your skin color. You dream to live like a prince so much when you endure the ghetto. Being born with a vic...
Face à la mer [English translation]
(Passi) Let's not choose by origine, Nor by color of the skin When we are dreaming of a life in a castle While we're living in the ghetto To born the ...
Face à la mer [German translation]
(Passi) Man sucht sich weder seine Herkunkt noch seine Hautfarbe aus. Man träumt von einem Leben im Schloss so viel, wenn man das Getto erlebt. Mit de...
Face à la mer [Greek translation]
(Passi) Δεν επιλέγουμε ούτε την καταγωγή μας, ούτε το χρώμα του δέρματός μας. Όπως ονειρευόμαστε ζωή σε κάστρο, όταν ζούμε σε γκέτο. Γεννήθηκα με θηλι...
Face à la mer [Portuguese translation]
( Passi ) A gente não escolhe nossa origem ou cor da pele. Como quando sonhamos em viver num castelo, enquanto vivemos num gueto. Nascer com uma corda...
Face à la mer [Turkish translation]
Passi: İnsan ne soyunu seçer ne de derisinin rengini Gettoda yaşadığımız zaman şatodaki hayatı hayal ederiz.(1) Hugo’ya göre Cosette gibi boynunda bir...
You won't find him, anywhere He's gone for good, lost for everybody I hope to hear from you, I hope one day Some inspired by you will be better people...
Jimmy [Danish translation]
You won't find him, anywhere He's gone for good, lost for everybody I hope to hear from you, I hope one day Some inspired by you will be better people...
Jimmy [English translation]
You won't find him, anywhere He's gone for good, lost for everybody I hope to hear from you, I hope one day Some inspired by you will be better people...
Jimmy [Spanish translation]
You won't find him, anywhere He's gone for good, lost for everybody I hope to hear from you, I hope one day Some inspired by you will be better people...
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