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The Last Shadow Puppets lyrics
My Mistakes Were Made For You [Russian translation]
Такие же незаметные, как землетрясение, я знаю, Мои ошибки были сделаны для тебя. И она вошла в закулисье моего ночного кошмара И утащила восторженног...
My Mistakes Were Made For You [Serbian translation]
Tako suptilno kao zemljotres, znam Moje greške su bile načinjene za tebe I u stražnjoj sobi ružnog sna, došla je ona I otresla me podalje, oduševljeno...
My Mistakes Were Made For You [Spanish translation]
Tan sutil como un terremoto, lo sé Mis errores están hechos para ti Y a la trastienda de un mal sueño llegó ella Y me llevó lejos, entusiasmada Y es t...
My Mistakes Were Made For You [Turkish translation]
neredeyse bir deprem kadar kurmaz olan hatalarım senin için yapılmıştı biliyorum. ve kötü bir rüyanın arkasından o geldi ve beni götürüverdi, hayran b...
Only the Truth lyrics
[Chorus] Only the truth she reckons she holds Only the truth she reckons she holds [Verse 1] The way she walks is scripted and taught Don't give her a...
Paris Summer lyrics
Walking down some cobbled street The sound of water near my feet I found her A hundred thousand flashes hit my mind Soon my arms were all around her W...
Paris Summer [Turkish translation]
Arnavut kaldırımlı bir sokakta yürüyorum Ayaklarımın yakınındaki suyun sesi Onu buldum Zihnimde yüz bin şimşek parladı Çok geçmeden kollarım onun her ...
Pattern lyrics
Come down tapping on the glass As I lock the passenger door Somehow it got in the back Now I can’t relax anymore Last night got a hold of me I can’t w...
Pattern [Turkish translation]
Cama tıklayarak aşağı iniyorum Yolcu kapısını kilitlerken Her nasılsa arkaya girdi Artık rahatlayamam Geçen gece beni tuttu Kafamdan kurtulamıyorum Gü...
Separate And Ever Deadly lyrics
When we walked the streets together All the faces seemed to smile back And now the pavements have nothing to offer And all the faces seem to need a sl...
Separate And Ever Deadly [Spanish translation]
Cuando caminábamos juntos por las calles Todas las caras parecían devolvernos las sonrisas Y ahora las aceras no tienen nada que ofrecernos Y todas la...
Separate And Ever Deadly [Turkish translation]
Yollarda birlikte yürüdüğümüzde Bütün yüzler gülümser gibiydi bize Şimdiyse kaldırımların yok sunacak bir şeyi Ve bütün yüzler bir tokat istermiş gibi...
Sequels lyrics
Routine in the agony Sit in the alleyway and wait Visions of her became An unobtainable charade You keeping your secrets But giving me sequels instead...
She Does Τhe Woods lyrics
Lazy afternoon strolls make for her howls At the trees Going home with trouble written in dirt on Her knees There's nowhere else to be Off into the lo...
She Does Τhe Woods [Greek translation]
Τεμπέλικες απογεύματινες βόλτες καταλήγουν στις κραυγές της στα δέντρα Γυρνώντας σπίτι με τον "μπελά" γραμμένο με χώμα στα γόνατά της Δεν υπάρχει πουθ...
Standing Next To Me lyrics
Want her, have her Two years have gone now But I can't relate To the never ending Games that you play As desire passes through Then you're open To the...
Standing Next To Me [Croatian translation]
Želim je, imam je Dvije su godina sad prošle Ali ne mogu se povezati Nikad završenim Igrama koje igraš Želja se probija Onda si otvorena Istini Nadam ...
Standing Next To Me [Greek translation]
Την θέλεις,την έχεις Δύο χρόνια έχουν περάσει ήδη Μα δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω Τα ατελείωτα Παιχνίδια που παίζεις Όταν ο πόθος περνά Τότε1συνειδητοποιείς ...
Standing Next To Me [Hungarian translation]
Akarom őt, birtoklom őt, Két év mostanra már eltelt De nem tudok viszonyulni A soha véget nem éréshez A játékok, amiket játszol, Mialatt a vágy áthala...
Standing Next To Me [Russian translation]
Хотел ее и получил, Прошло уже два года, Но я все еще далек от Бесконечных игр, В которые ты играешь. Когда пронизывает желание, И ты готов Услышать п...
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