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The Last Shadow Puppets lyrics
Les Cactus [English translation]
The whole world is a cactus It's impossible to sit down In life, there are only cacti Me, I am pricking myself to know Ow! Ow! Ow! Ouch! Ow! Ow! Ow! I...
Meeting Place lyrics
The colder the night gets, The further she strays. And he doesn't like it, Being this way. And she tried so hard to steer away from the meeting place,...
Meeting Place [Croatian translation]
Što hladnija postaje noć, To dalje ona skreće s puta, A njemu se to ne sviđa, Što je takva. I ona se toliko trudila kormilariti dalje od mjesta susret...
Meeting Place [Greek translation]
Όσο πιο κρύα γίνεται η νύχτα τόσο πιο πολύ αυτή απομακρύνεται και δεν του αρέσει να βρίσκεται σε αυτήν την κατάσταση. Και προσπάθησε τόσο πολύ να μην ...
Meeting Place [Italian translation]
Più la notte diventa fredda Più lei sta lontana E a lui non piace, Essere così. Lei ha provato duramente a stare lontano dal luogo d’incontro Ma il su...
Meeting Place [Russian translation]
Чем холоднее становится ночь, Тем дальше она бродит. И ему не нравится, Что все складывается таким образом. И она так сильно пыталась держаться подаль...
Meeting Place [Spanish translation]
Cuanto más fría se vuelve la noche, Más se aparta ella. Y a él no le gusta Estar de esta manera. Y ella intentó con empeño alejarse del lugar de encue...
Meeting Place [Turkish translation]
Gece soğudukça, O kadar çok yolunu kaybediyor, Ve bu onun hoşuna gitmiyor, Böyle olması. Ve buluşma yerinden uzaklaşmayı çok denedi, Ama kalbi onu ora...
Miracle Aligner lyrics
Tell him what you want and baby he can find you anything you need Tell him what you’re needing, hey, oooh Come on Miracle aligner, go and get ‘em tige...
Miracle Aligner [French translation]
Dis-lui ce que tu veux et bébé il peut te trouver tout ce dont tu as besoin Dis-lui ce dont tu as besoin, eh, oooh Aller aligneur de miracle, va et at...
Miracle Aligner [Greek translation]
Πες του αυτό που θέλεις, μωρό μου μπορεί να σου βρει ό,τι χρειάζεσαι Πες του τι έχεις ανάγκη, χέυ ωω Έλα θαυματουργέ1, πήγαινε και πάρτο τίγρη Πέσε στ...
Miracle Aligner [Italian translation]
Digli cosa vuoi e tesoro lui può trovarti qualsiasi cosa ti serva Digli di cosa hai bisogno, ehi, oooh Dai, Allineatore di miracoli, vai a prenderli t...
Miracle Aligner [Spanish translation]
Dile lo que quieres y nena, te puede encontrar todo lo que necesitas, dile lo que necesitas, eh, aaah, vamos Milagro alineador, ve por ellos, tigre, (...
Miracle Aligner [Turkish translation]
Ne istediğini ona söyle ve bebeğim o sana ihtiyacın olan her şeyi bulabilir. Neye ihtiyacın olduğunu söyle ona. Hadi Mucize Sıralayıcısı, yapabilirsin...
Miracle Aligner [Turkish translation]
Söyle ona ne istediğini Bulabilir sana ihtiyacın olan herhangi bir şeyi Söyle ona neye ihtiyaç duyduğunu Hadi Mucize Gerçekleştiricisi1, bu iş sende D...
My Mistakes Were Made For You lyrics
About as subtle as an earthquake, I know My mistakes were made for you And in the back room of a bad dream, she came And whisked me away, enthused And...
My Mistakes Were Made For You [Croatian translation]
Otprilike suptilno poput potresa, znam Moje su pogreške učinjene za tebe I u stražnjoj sobi lošega sna, došla je I odvukla me dalje, opijenog I to je ...
My Mistakes Were Made For You [German translation]
So subtil wie ein Erdbeben, ich weiß Meine Fehler sind wie für dich gemacht Und im Hinterzimmer eines schlechten Traumes, kam sie Und wischte mich weg...
My Mistakes Were Made For You [Greek translation]
Περίπου τόσο ανεπαίσθητα όσο ένας σεισμός, ξέρω Πως τα λάθη μου έγιναν για εσένα Και στο πίσω δωμάτιο ενός κακού ονείρου, ήρθε Και με φυγάδευσε, ενθου...
My Mistakes Were Made For You [Italian translation]
Quasi per quanto sottile come un terremoto, lo so I miei errori sono stati fatti per te E nella stanza sul retro di un brutto sogno, lei venne E lei m...
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