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The Last Shadow Puppets lyrics
Calm Like You [Turkish translation]
Şehrinizin heyecan verici kokusunu hala hatırlıyorum Hala zaman bu aromanın kokusunu alıyorum Hırsızlık ve havai fişekler, gökyüzü, yerleşiyorlardı Ka...
Dracula Teeth lyrics
The Railway Arch Confessional I wrote your name in white emulsion I drift away with silver faces on display I wake up in an ice cold sweat and my skin...
Dracula Teeth [Turkish translation]
Demiryolu kemeri konfesyonali. Beyaz emülsiyonla adını yazdım. Ekrandaki yüzlere bakarak uzaklara daldım. Buz gibi bir terle uyandım ve tenim Ürpermey...
Everything You’ve Come To Expect lyrics
Tiger eyelashes, summer wine Goosebump soup and Honey Pie Piggy in the middle I'm the baddy's daddy About to make my golden move Apocalyptic lipstick ...
Everything You’ve Come To Expect [Greek translation]
Βλεφαρίδες τίγρης, καλοκαιρινό κρασί Goosebump* σούπα και πίτα μελιού "Το γουρουνάκι στη μέση"*, είμαι ο μπαμπάς του κακού Πρόκειται να κάνω τη χρυσή ...
Everything You’ve Come To Expect [Turkish translation]
Kaplan kirpikleri, yaz şarabı Goosebump çorbası ve ballı turta Ortada sıçan*, kötücülün babası benim Altın vuruşumu yapmak üzereyim Kıyametsel ruj müc...
Everything You’ve Come To Expect [Turkish translation]
Kaplan gözü kirpikler, yaz şarabı Goosebump çorbası ve ballı turta Domuzcuk ortada bense en kötünün de babasıyım Altın vuruşumu yapmaktayım İlahi ruj ...
Gas Dance lyrics
There she was, Graciously making forever less terrifying And you've got the nerve to intervene With a colouring book and a biro and a point to prove A...
Gas Dance [Greek translation]
Και εκεί ήταν Ευγενικά κάνοντας την αιωνιότητα λιγότερο τρομακτική Και έχεις το θράσος Να μπεις στην μέση Με ένα βιβλίο ζωγραφικής και ένα στυλό διαρκ...
Gas Dance [Russian translation]
И вот она Любезно делала вечность менее пугающей, И тебе хватило наглости вмешаться Со свой раскраской, шариковой ручкой и собственным мнением, И тепе...
Gas Dance [Turkish translation]
Ve oradaydı, Nezaketle sonsuzluğu daha az korkutucu bir hale getiriyordu Ve mücadele edecek kadar cesaretin var Bir boyama kitabı, bir kalem ve kanıtl...
Hang The Cyst lyrics
Was he badly mistaken or guided As he wandered his valley built in silence He'd cover his face to speak As he chewed off his finger to the bone The ha...
Hang The Cyst [Greek translation]
Έκανε άραγε ένα πολύ μεγάλο λάθος ή ήταν καθοδηγούμενος Καθώς περιπλανιόταν στην κοιλάδα η οποία ήταν χτισμένη στη σιωπή Κάλυπτε το πρόσωπο του για να...
I Don't Like You Any More lyrics
I don't like you anymore. You've fallen for the faux again Enticed me for a second time today Only for me to realise the same I don't like you anymore...
I Don't Like You Any More [Turkish translation]
Artık senden hoşlanmıyorum. Yine sahtekarlığa düştün Bugün beni ikinci kez kandırdın Sadece benim aynısını fark etmem için Artık senden hoşlanmıyorum ...
In My Room lyrics
[Chorus] In my room she'll get to you In my room she'll get to you In my room [Verse 1] Could I turn on a lie, impress unknown eyes? Humour absorbs th...
In My Room [Turkish translation]
[Koro] Odamda sana ulaşacak Odamda sana ulaşacak Odamda [Bölüm 1] Bir yalan çevirip bilinmeyen gözleri etkileyebilir miyim? Mizah düşünceleri emer, ha...
In The Heat Of The Morning lyrics
[Verse 1: Alex Turner] The blazing sunset in your eyes Will tantalise every man who looks your way I watched them sink before your gaze Señorita sways...
In The Heat Of The Morning [Turkish translation]
(Bölüm 1: Alex Turner) Gözlerindeki alev alev yanan gün batımı Senden yöne bakan her adamı baştan çıkaracak Senin bakışından önce batışlarını izledim ...
Les Cactus lyrics
Le monde entier est un cactus Il est impossible de s'asseoir Dans la vie, Il n'y a qu'des cactus Moi j'm'pique de le savoir Aïe! Aïe! Aïe! Ouille! Aïe...
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