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Shania Twain lyrics
From This Moment On [Italian translation]
giuro che saro sempre la darei qualunque cosa e tutto e ci terro sempre atrraverso debolezze e fortezze,felicita e tristezza,per meglio,per peggio ti ...
From This Moment On [Korean translation]
나는 언제나 거기에 있을겠다고 맹세할께. 무엇이든지 줄게 그리고 항상 배려할게 일장일단하고 행복함하고 슬픔을 통해,좋든 나쁘든, 내 심자의 모든 맥박으로 널 사랑할꺼야 지금 이 순간부터 삶이 시작되었었어 지금 이 순간부터 너 하나뿐이야 내가 원래 속한 자리인 니 옆에인...
From This Moment On [Mongolian translation]
(өөрт байгаа бухнээ чамд зориулж насан туршдаа чамайг халамжилна) ( жаргал зовлон, баяр гунитай бухий л үед цохилох зурхээ чамдаа зориулан хайрлаж, үү...
From This Moment On [Persian translation]
از این لحظه من قسم می خورم که همیشه خواهم بود هر چیز و همه چیز خواهم داد و همیشه توجه خواهم کرد سر تا سر مسیر در عجز و قدرت، در شادی و غم در برابر بهت...
From This Moment On [Portuguese translation]
(Eu juro que sempre estarei lá. Eu daria qualquer coisa e todas as coisas e eu sempre vou cuidar de você. Na fraqueza e na força, na alegria e na tris...
From This Moment On [Romanian translation]
--- R --- Din acest moment viața a început deplin, Din acest moment ești unicul meu Chiar lângă tine este locul unde aparțin Din acest moment ... mere...
From This Moment On [Romanian translation]
Din acest moment (Jur ca voi fi mereu acolo,voi da totul si nimic si voi avea mereu grija. Prin slabiciune si putere,fericire si durere,la bine,la rau...
From This Moment On [Russian translation]
(Я клянусь, что я всегда буду здесь. Я отдам что угодно, все, И я всегда буду заботится. Через слабость и силу, Счастье и печаль... Во благо, во вред,...
From This Moment On [Serbian translation]
(Kunem se da ću uvijek biti tu.Daću bilo-što i sve i uvijek ću brinuti. Kroz slabost i snagu,sreću i tugu,u dobru i u zlu,Voli ću te sa svakim dijelić...
From This Moment On [Spanish translation]
Desde este momento (Juro que siempre estaré ahí. Daré Lo que sea, daré todo y siempre me importará Durante la debilidad y la fortaleza, la felicidad Y...
From This Moment On [Swedish translation]
(Ja, jag svär på att vara dig när. Jag ska ge dig allt och lite till och alltid ha dig kär. I svaghet och kraft, glädje och förtvivlan, i nöd och i lu...
From This Moment On [Turkish translation]
(yemin ederim herzaman yaninda olcam, herseyi herseyi vercem ve dikkate alcam; guclu , gucsuz , mutlu , kederli , iyi ve kotu zamanlarda seni butun ka...
God Ain’t Gonna Getcha for That lyrics
Hey, you, sitting in the corner Can't ya hear the jukebox playing? Everybody's up doing the two-step And you're not even tappin' your toe Won't you le...
God Bless the Child lyrics
Hallelujah, hallelujah God bless the child who suffers Hallelujah, hallelujah God bless the young without mothers Hallelujah, hallelujah Let every man...
Got a Hold on Me lyrics
You got a hold on me, you're standing over me Sometimes I hardly breathe at all I need a little room, I need a lot of moon I gotta find it soon or I'l...
Home Ain't Where His Heart Is [Anymore] lyrics
He knew how to reach me deep inside And he found a part of me I could not hide And we'd walk and talk and touch tenderly Then he'd lay me down and mak...
Home Ain't Where His Heart Is [Anymore] [German translation]
Er wusste, wie er mich tief im Inneren erreichen konnte Und fand einen Teil von mir, den ich nicht verbergen konnte Und wir gingen und redeten und ber...
Home Ain't Where His Heart Is [Anymore] [Italian translation]
Sapeva come raggiungermi nel profondo E ha trovato una parte di me che non ho potuto nascondere Ed eravamo soliti camminare, parlare e toccarciteneram...
Home Ain't Where His Heart Is [Anymore] [Portuguese translation]
Ele sabia como me tocar profundamente E achou uma parte de mim que eu não conseguia esconder E nós caminhávamos e falávamos e nos tocávamos com ternur...
Honey, I'm Home lyrics
The car won't start—It's Falling apart I was late for work and the boss got smart My panty line shows--got a run in my hose My hair went flat—man, I h...
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