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Hayley Kiyoko lyrics
Sleepover [Italian translation]
Non voglio parlarne Non voglio pensarci Mi sto solo sentendo giù, sentendo giù Anche quando sei vicina a me Non è nel modo che sto immaginando Mi sto ...
Sleepover [Polish translation]
Nie chcę o tym rozmawiać Nie chcę o tym myśleć Po prostu czuję się przybita, czuję się przybita Nawet kiedy jesteś obok mnie To nie w ten sposób, w ja...
Sleepover [Romanian translation]
Nu vreau sa vorbesc despre asta, Nu vreau sa ma gandesc la asta Ma simt abatuta, abatuta Chiar si cand esti langa mine Nu este in modul la care ma gan...
Sleepover [Russian translation]
Я не хочу говорить об этом Я не хочу думать об этом Я просто чувствую себя подавленно, чувствую себя подавленно Даже когда ты со мной Это не так, как ...
Sleepover [Serbian translation]
Ne želim da pričam o tome Ne želim da razmišljam o tome Osećam se loše,loše Čak i kad si pored mene Nije onako kao što zamišljam Osećam se loše,loše T...
Sleepover [Spanish translation]
No quiero hablar sobre ello No quiero pensar sobre ello Sólo estoy de bajón, de bajón Incluso cuándo estas junto a mi No es de la forma en que me lo i...
Sleepover [Spanish translation]
No quiero hablar de ello No quiero pensar en ello Solo me estoy sintiendo desanimada, sintiendo desanimada Incluso cuando estás a mi lado No es como l...
Sleepover [Turkish translation]
Bunun hakkında konuşmak istemiyorum Bunu düşünmek istemiyorum Kendimi sadece düşük hissediyorum, hissediyorum Yanınmda olduğun zaman bile Resim çekmem...
Somewhere Only We Know lyrics
I walked across an empty land I knew the pathway like the back of my hand I felt the earth beneath my feet Sat by the river and it made me complete Oh...
Somewhere Only We Know [Greek translation]
I walked across an empty land I knew the pathway like the back of my hand I felt the earth beneath my feet Sat by the river and it made me complete Oh...
Somewhere Only We Know [Turkish translation]
I walked across an empty land I knew the pathway like the back of my hand I felt the earth beneath my feet Sat by the river and it made me complete Oh...
This Side Of Paradise lyrics
False start ya sleepy head I'm caught in the day With my nightdreams And my mistakes Tell your vision no your acting The little boys go on pretending ...
This Side Of Paradise [Romanian translation]
Start fals ya cap adormit sunt captivul zilei cu coșmarurile mele si greșelile mele. Spune-i imaginației tale, nu faptelor, băiețeii se prefac deși su...
This Side Of Paradise [Turkish translation]
Yanlış başlangıç uykucu Gün içinde yakalandım Gece rüyalarımda Ve benim hatalarım Oyunculuğunun olmadığı görüşünü söyle Küçük çocuklar gibi davranmaya...
Under The Blue/Take Me In lyrics
[Part 1: Under the Blue] Fill my diamond pool In a summer that's too cruel, cruel Fill my diamond pool In a summer that's too cruel, cruel Drowning in...
Under The Blue/Take Me In [Turkish translation]
[1. Kısım: Mavinin Altında] Elmas havuzumu doldur Yazda bu çok acımasız, acımasız Elmas havuzumu doldur Yazda bu çok acımasız, acımasız Akarsularda bo...
Wanna Be Missed lyrics
[Verse 1] Wanna be loved every night Wanna know she's only mine Breathe her in, give me life Got all these hearts in a line They all wasting their tim...
Wanna Be Missed [Italian translation]
[Verso 1] Voglio essere amata ogni notte voglio sapere che lei è soltanto mia respirarle addosso, mi da la vita ho tutti questi cuori in fila ma stann...
Wanna Be Missed [Spanish translation]
Quiero ser amada cada noche Quiero saber que es únicamente mía Inspirarla, dame vida Tengo todos estos corazones en fila Todos ellos desperdiciando su...
Wanna Be Missed [Spanish translation]
[Verso 1] Quiero ser amada cada noche Quiero saber que ella es solamente mía La inhalo, me da vida Tengo todos estos corazones rotos alineados Están t...
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