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Amorphis lyrics
The Skull lyrics
Carried by restless winds Under the crimson cloud I sailed the purple waves Aboard my comely ship The ship was adorned with banners With flags dedicat...
The Smoke lyrics
In my dream smoke followed me As on fire the whole world had been To the yard I walked in Up the front step and opened the door Cranes flew over to th...
The Wanderer lyrics
Behold this man on the road The burden that he holds He lost it all but still he carries on The dead are left behind On the road of pain and grief Pro...
The Wanderer [Dutch translation]
Aanschouw deze man op de weg De last die hij op zijn schouders draagt Hij is alles kwijt maar houdt nog steeds vol De doden worden achtergelaten Op he...
The Wanderer [Greek translation]
Κοίτα αυτόν τον άνδρα στο δρόμο Το βάρος που κουβαλάει Τα έχασε όλα αλλά ακόμη συνεχίζει Άφησε πίσω του τους νεκρούς Στον δρόμο του πόνου και της θλίψ...
The Wanderer [Russian translation]
Взгляни на этого человека на дороге, На бремя, что ему пришлось нести. Он потерял всё, но не посмел сдаться. Мертвецы остались позади На пути из боли ...
The Way lyrics
Forging the future from the timeless stone Oh let me know how far I can go Answering the questions that no one ever asks Float through the sea of madn...
The White Swan lyrics
I set out on a longest road to seek the answers from Death I set out to the black sacred stream to seek out and shoot a white swan On desolate and sto...
The White Swan [Dutch translation]
Ik ging op pad op een langste weg om de antwoorden te zoeken van Dood Ik ging op pad naar dezwarte heilige stroom Om een witte zwaan te zoeken en dood...
The White Swan [Greek translation]
Ξεκίνησα σ' ένα μεγάλο δρόμο για να ψάξω τις απαντήσεις του Θανάτου Ξεκίνησα για το μαύρο, ιερό ποτάμι για να ψάξω και να χτυπήσω έναν λευκό κύκνο Πάν...
Three Words lyrics
From all the four corners From the heights beyond the changing skies From in between the golden stars From lands of dead below I seek the magic for my...
To Father's Cabin lyrics
Oh old man, good god Careful man of heaven Keeper of storm clouds Make misty weather And create a tiny cloud In whose shelter I may go
Towards and Against lyrics
I have known the arcane lore On strange roads such visions met That I have no fear nor concern For hatred and obstacles of this world By stone-shoed w...
Tree of Ages lyrics
Somewhere there’s a tree of ages Havens hanging from the branches Cradling worlds beneath its shadows It seeds give birth to tomorrow Universes coil i...
Tuonela lyrics
Sorrow is my bread And tears I drink as wine Oblivion my happiness Ground under teeth of time For cold be the stone When frost devoured the land Conso...
Tuonela [Dutch translation]
Verbitterheid is mijn brood En tranen drink ik als wijn Vergetelheid mijn blijdschap Grond onder tanden des tijds Want kou zij de steen als vorst het ...
Tuonela [German translation]
Die Trauer ist mein Brot Und Tränen trinke ich als Wein Das Vergessen ist meine Freude Untergepflügt durch den Zahn der Zeit Denn der Stein soll erkal...
Tuonela [Greek translation]
Η λύπη είναι ο άρτος μου Και δάκρυα πίνω για οίνο Χαρά μου η λήθη Χωμένος κάτω απ'τα δόντια του χρόνου Γιατί ήταν κρύα η πέτρα Όταν ο παγετός καταβρόχ...
Two Moons lyrics
Spring came in one day The clouds in front of the moon Tore themselves to shreds So that two moons passed in one night Winter went and spring came And...
Two Moons [French translation]
Le printemps est arrivé du jour au lendemain Les nuages devant la lune Se sont déchirés en lambeaux, Si bien qu'en une nuit, deux lunes sont passées L...
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