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Amorphis lyrics
Amongst Stars
Close your eyes now And give in to the night Soar above the stars Forget what's behind Don't stare up at the setting sun Or the light of dawn Follow t...
Amongst Stars [Portuguese translation]
Feche seus olhos agora E entregue-se à noite Plane sobre as estrelas Esqueça o que ficou para trás Não encare o sol que se põe Ou a luz do alvorecer S...
Amongst Stars [Russian translation]
Закрой глаза прямо сейчас И отдай себя ночи, Пари над звёздами, Забудь о том, что осталось позади Не смотри на заходящее солнце Или на лучи рассвета С...
A New Day lyrics
The Sun will rise again When darkness can't get any darker Shadows will retreat When night has filled the cup of time When pearls start to glow When m...
A Servant lyrics
What was denied from poor I thought to be riches I run for them there And then it made me take my due To death, I'd plunge with joy My happiness to cl...
Against Widows lyrics
The Devil weds a widow Death, another's leftovers Better to lie on willows Rest on alder boughs Than upon a widow's bed Used woman's pillow Sweeter th...
Alone lyrics
Tear dimmed remembrance In a womb of time Breathe upon me Possessed by the passion Fate will set you free Infertile Chaste be the precious When flesh ...
Alone [Arabic translation]
الدمع اغبش الذكرى في رحم الزمان تنفس فيني مملوك بالشغف مصيرك سوف يعتقك عقيم العفة ثمينة اعندما يكون اللحم عدو رجل المصالح قف جانبا من درب رجل افضل منك...
Alone [Dutch translation]
Verscheur de duistere herinnering In een moederschoot der tijd Blaas de adem over mij heen Bezeten door de passie Zal het Lot je vrijmaken Onvruchtbaa...
Alone [Spanish translation]
Lacrimógenos y difusos recuerdos en un espacio de tiempo respirando sobre mí Poseído por la pasión, el destino te hará libre Infertíl Ser perseguido p...
Bad Blood lyrics
Break down the weirs in the brooks Crush the bulwarks of my soul Let the rapids run white and foaming The bad blood cut off my ears The bad blood blin...
Battle for Light lyrics
She robbed the moon from the sky Derailed the sun off its course Inside her mountain enchained the light She took the wisdom for her own The sun no lo...
Beginning of Time lyrics
I have a wish to sing Of time before the beginning When nothing was all But how to sing of nothing? So I sing of the beginning The birth of all creati...
Better Unborn lyrics
Better it would be for me And better it would have been Had I not been born, not grown Not been brought into the world Not had to come to this earth N...
Better Unborn [German translation]
Für mich wäre es besser gewesen Und insgesamt wäre es besser gewesen Wenn ich nicht geboren worden wäre, nicht erwachsen geworden wäre Nicht auf diese...
Better Unborn [Russian translation]
Лучше бы было для меня, И лучше бы было (вообще), Если бы я не родился, не вырос. Не был бы принесён в этот мир, Не должен был ступить на эту землю, Н...
Black Embrace lyrics
Terror, when the darkness binds your limbs Terror, when the fear freezes your nerves Horror, when the pain climbs up your veins Darkness, creeping und...
Black River lyrics
Still searching for my way The right way to be Still pondering What I've done I'm still thinking what I've said Still finding from within And all that...
Black Winter Day lyrics
This is how the lucky feel How the blessed think Like daybreak in spring The sun on a spring morning Like the flat brink of a cloud Like a dark night ...
Black Winter Day [Dutch translation]
Dit is hoe de gelukkige zich voelt Hoe de gezegende denkt Zoals de dag aanbreekt in de lente De zon op een lentemorgen Net als de platte rand van een ...
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