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Ayreon lyrics
The Theory of Everything part 2 [Hungarian translation]
Az Anya és az Apa megegyeznek, hogy egy kívülálló szakértőt bíznak meg azzal, hogy segítsen a fiúkon, de a motivációjuk nem is lehetne ennél eltérőbb....
The Theory Of Everything Part 3 lyrics
9:46 this morning Upon her arrival at the Lighthouse, the Mother breaks down at the sight of her catatonic son. She desperately needs to understand wh...
The Theory Of Everything Part 3 [Hungarian translation]
9:46-kor, ezen a reggelen A világítótoronyba érve az Anya teljesen összeomlik, megpillantva katatónikus fiát. Kétségbeesetten szüksége van rá, hogy me...
The Truth Is In Here lyrics
Arjen: Last night I had that dream again My world was black as night plagued by visions of a future world Liselotte: Mr L. did you take your meds? Arj...
The Truth Is In Here [Russian translation]
Арьен: Прошлой ночью я видел тот сон снова Мой мир был черным, как ночь Мучимый видениями будущего. Лизелотта: Мистер Л, Вы приняли ваши лекарства? Ар...
The Two Gates lyrics
Forever of the Stars: And so it's come to this: Two Gates, two portals await Let your choice be guided by collective wisdom Mmm, hath the prospect of ...
The Uncertainty Principle lyrics
8:03 this morning On his daily visit to the Lighthouse, the Teacher is stunned at what he finds: The Prodigy is slumped in a corner, totally unrespons...
The Uncertainty Principle [Hungarian translation]
8:03-kor, ezen a reggelen Napi látogatása során a világítótoronyba, a Tanárt megdöbbenti, amit talál: a Csodagyerek a sarokban roskadt, képtelenül a r...
The Visitation lyrics
The Prodigy has been working on the Theory of Everything for months now. He's totally exhausted, but is sure that the final missing piece is just arou...
The Visitation [Hungarian translation]
A Csodagyerek már hónapok óta dolgozik a Mindenség Elméletén. Teljesen kimerült, de az utolsó hiányzó darabhoz már nagyon közel van. Egyik estén egy v...
Time Beyond Time lyrics
FUTUREMAN: From the cities on the seas To the skyways in the east From the stations on the moon To the planet of Neptune I'm a sophisticated man And y...
Tower Of Hope lyrics
Forever of the Stars: From the wind-torn ramparts of the Tower of Hope, we survey a Thousand futures. Release your dreams from this electric pinnacle ...
Transformation lyrics
The Teacher has become the Prodigy's closest friend - and the only person the Prodigy trust. He is glad to see the Prodigy's progress, but can't help ...
Transformation [Hungarian translation]
A Tanár válik a Csodagyerek legközelebbi barátjává - és az egyetlen emberré, akiben a Csodagyerek megbízik. Örül, hogy látja a Csodagyerek fejlődését,...
Tunnel of Light lyrics
Forever of the Stars: Be joyful, my friends! You will now enter the Tunnel of Light! Let brilliance suffuse your souls! Make your choice! Your path is...
Waking Dreams lyrics
(Jonas Renkse:) Life, imagination Missing link in the chain We'll fuel your minds Colour your thoughts Come to you in waking dreams Fire, inspiration ...
Waking Dreams [Russian translation]
(Jonas Renkse:) Жизнь, воображение, Недостающее звено в цепи. Мы зажжем твой разум, Раскрасим твои мысли, Придем к тебе в снах наяву. Огонь, вдохновен...
Waracle lyrics
AYREON (JAY VAN FEGGELEN): Echoes of a thousand screams Smoke, blood and fire A deserted battlefield Millions of men will die At one man's desire And ...
Web of Lies lyrics
[Simone Simons]: Dear PX, I feel you are the one What's your name? Where are you from? I'm in love, though we never met Looking for clues, I search th...
Web of Lies [Italian translation]
[Simone Simons] Caro PX, sento che tu sei l'unico Qual è il tuo nome? Di dove sei? Sono innamorata, anche se non ci siamo mai incontrati Cercando indi...
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