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Alison Krauss lyrics
In The Palm of Your Hand [Swedish translation]
Om jag kunde ha världen och allt som tillhör den Tusen riken, tusen tronar Om hela världen var min att besitta Med rikedom som mitt enda mål Jag skull...
It Doesn't Matter lyrics
It doesn't matter what I want It doesn't matter what I need It doesn't matter if I cry Don't matter if I bleed You've been on a road Don't know where ...
It Doesn't Matter [Turkish translation]
Ne istediğim önemli değil Neye ihtiyacım olduğu önemli değil Üzülsem önemli değil Kan ağlasam önemli değil Sen bir yoldasın Nereye gidersin, nereye sü...
Jacob's Dream lyrics
In the spring of 1856 with the snow still on the ground Two little boys were lost in the mountains above the town The father went out hunting the boys...
Jacob's Dream [German translation]
Im Frühjahr 1856, als auf dem Boden noch Schnee lag Gingen zwei kleine Jungen in den Bergen über der Stadt verloren. Der Vater ging zur Jagd, die Jung...
Jacob's Dream [Romanian translation]
În primăvara lui 1856 cu zăpada încă pe pământ, Doi băieţei s-au pierdut în munţii de deasupra oraşului. Tatăl s-a dus la vânătoare, băieţii au rămas ...
Jacob's Dream [Russian translation]
Весной 1856 когда снег еще лежал на земле Двое маленьких мальчиков потерялись в горах окружающих город Отец на охоту ушел а малыши остались позади Пок...
Let Me Touch You For Awhile lyrics
It’s been a long time coming As you shed a lonesome tear Now you're in a wonderama I wonder what you're doing here The flame no longer flickers You’re...
My love follows you where you go lyrics
More wishes than a thousand hearts can count for you More smiles than a merry-go-round The sweetest ending to a bed-time story told My love follows yo...
My Poor Old Heart lyrics
Don't expect too much from my poor old heart You can blame the unforgiving for my scars You might just be the best that I can find But I can't seem to...
On The Outside Looking In lyrics
You close the door in front of me, I wait patiently outside. And as the minutes tick away I feel the anger rise And who's the object of my rage, and w...
Rain Please Go Away lyrics
Rain, please go away Leave me alone, come another day My love is gone, this time to stay Rain, please go away It's tough to live the whole day through...
Rain Please Go Away [Turkish translation]
Yağmur, lütfen git Beni yalnız bırak, başka bir gün gel Aşkım gitti, böyle bir zamanda Yağmur, lütfen git Tüm gün hayatta kalmak hiç de kolay değil Te...
So Long So Wrong lyrics
I know I'll be lonesome That brings about a little fear I know I'll be sad and I'll be blue I have given the best of me When I forgot to say to you Wh...
Song For Life lyrics
I don't drink as much as I used to Lately, it just ain't my style And hard times don't last like they used to They pass quicker, like when I was a chi...
Song For Life [Turkish translation]
Artık eskisi kadar içmiyorum Geç de olsa, benim tarzım değil Ve zor zamanlar eskisi gibi geçmiyor Artık daha hızlı geçiyorlar, çocukluğumdaki gibi [Ch...
Stay lyrics
Where have you been, My long lost friend? It's good to see you again. Come and sit for a while I've missed your smile Today the past is goodbye. Time ...
Stay [Turkish translation]
Nerelerdeydin Uzun zamanlı kayıp arkadaşım? Seni tekrar görmek güzel Gel otur biraz Gülüşünü özledim Bugün 'hoşça kal'ın geçişi. Zaman silemez, bir aş...
The Wexford Carol [The Enniscorthy Carol] lyrics
Good people all, this Christmas-time Consider well and bear in mind What our good God for us has done In sending his beloved Son. With Mary holy we sh...
The Wexford Carol [The Enniscorthy Carol] [Greek translation]
Ανθρώποι μου καλοί, σκεφτείτε και λογιάστε,/ Των Χριστουγέννων τις Άγιες τούτες μέρες να θυμάστε Πως ο καλός Θεός, π’ όλους τους νοιάζετα, / Τον Υιό τ...
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