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Selena lyrics
Cariño, Cariño Mío lyrics
Cariño mío, solo vivo por tu amor; Cariño mío, solo vivo para ti... Cariño mío, solo vivo para verte, Y siempre quererte como nunca te han querido... ...
Cariño, Cariño Mío [English translation]
My love, I live only for your love; My love, I live only for you... My love, I live only to see you, And always have wanted you like you have never wa...
Cariño, Cariño Mío [Hindi translation]
मेरी जान, मैं केवल तुम्हारे प्रेम के लिए जीती हूँ; मेरी जान,मैं केवल तुम्हारे लिए जीती हूँ ... मेरी जान, मैं केवल तुम्हें देखने के लिए जीती हूँ और हमे...
Cariño, Cariño Mío [Russian translation]
Любовь моя, я живу только ради твоей любви Любовь моя, я живу только для тебя... Любовь моя, я живу только для того, чтобы видеть тебя, И всегда любит...
Cien Años lyrics
Pasastes a mi lado Con gran indiferencia Tus ojos ni siquiera Voltearon hacia mí Te vi sin que me vieras Te hablé sin que me oyeras Y toda mi amargura...
Cien Años [English translation]
You passed by my side With such indifference Your eyes didn't even Turn towards me I looked at you without you seeing me I spoke to you without you he...
Cien Años [Greek translation]
Πέρασες από δίπλα μου με μεγάλη αδιαφορία ούτε τα μάτια σου τουλάχιστον δεν γύρισαν προς τα εμένα σε είδα χωρίς να με δεις σου μίλησα χωρίς να με ακού...
Cobarde lyrics
Tú me prometiste que pronto ibas a volver Que ya nunca más recordarías el ayer Que no pensarías más en aquella mujer Y hasta me juraste que mío quería...
Cobarde [English translation]
You promised me that you were coming back soon, That never again would you remember the past, That you wouldn't think anymore about that woman, And yo...
Cobarde [English translation]
You promised me you were coming back soon That you'd never again remember the past That you wouldn't think anymore about that woman And you swore you'...
Cobarde [Greek translation]
Μου υποσχέθηκες ότι σύντομα θα επέστρεφες Ότι δεν θα θυμόσουν πια το παρελθόν Ότι δεν θα σκεφτόσουν πια εκείνη τη γυναίκα Και μέχρι που μου ορκίστηκες...
Cobarde [Serbian translation]
Obecao si mi da ces se uskoro vratiti da nikad vise neces pamtiti juce da neces vise mislitina onu zenu cak si mi se zakleo da zelis biti samo moj Rek...
Como la flor lyrics
Yo sé que tienes Un nuevo amor Sin embargo Te deseo lo mejor Si en mí no encontraste Felicidad Tal vez alguien más Te la dará Como la flor (como la fl...
Como la flor [Croatian translation]
Ja znam da imaš novu ljubav. Međutim, želim ti sve najbolje. Ako u meni nisi pronašao sreću. Možda netko drugi će ti je dati. Kao cvijet(kao cvijet) S...
Como la flor [English translation]
I know that you have A new love Nevertheless I wish you all the best If in me you didn't find Happiness Perhaps someone else Will give it to you Like ...
Como la flor [English translation]
I know that you have A new love However I wish you the best If in me you didn't find Happiness Maybe someone else Will give it to you Like the flower ...
Como la flor [English translation]
I know that you have A new love However I wish you the best If you didn't find Happiness in me Maybe someone else Will give you it Like the flower (li...
Como la flor [English translation]
I know you have a new love Yet I wish you the best If you couldn't find happiness in me Maybe someone else Will give it to you Like the flower That wi...
Como la flor [English translation]
I know that you have a new love Nevertheless, I wish you all the best If in me, you didn't find happiness Perhaps someone else, will give it to you Li...
Como la flor [English translation]
I know that you have a new love Nevertheless I wish you the best If you didn't find happiness in me Maybe someone else will give it to you Like the fl...
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