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Martina McBride lyrics
Once a Day
When you found somebody new I thought I never would Forget you for I thought then I never could But time has taken all the pains away until now I'm do...
Once a Day [Romanian translation]
Când ai găsit pe cineva nou, credeam că nu te-aş uita fiindcă am crezut că n-aş fi putut niciodată Dar timpul mi-a luat toate durerile până acum când ...
A Broken Wing lyrics
She loved him like he was The last man on Earth Gave him everything she ever had He'd break her spirit down Then come loving up on her Give a little, ...
A Broken Wing [French translation]
Elle l'aimait comme s'il était Le dernier homme sur terre Elle lui a donné tout ce qu'elle n'avait jamais eu Il brisait son esprit Puis venait vers el...
A Broken Wing [Greek translation]
Τον αγαπούσε σαν να ήταν Ο τελευταίος άντρας στη γη, Του έδωσε ό,τι είχε, Της ράγιζε το πνεύμα, Μετά την ξαναερωτευόταν, Δίνει λίγο, μετά το παίρνει π...
A Broken Wing [Romanian translation]
Ea l-a iubit ca şi cum era Ultimul bărbat de pe pământ, I-a dat tot ce avea. El îi rupe sufletul Apoivine s-o iubească, Îi dă puţin, apoi îl ia înapoi...
Always Be This Way lyrics
I like the way you make my heart beat faster You got me feeling like a sweet disaster Ooo, and I like it You like the way I say "I’m crazy about you" ...
Anything And Everything lyrics
What do you dream about? Look at the stars, baby, All you gotta do is pick on out. And it's there for you, I'll be the one who makes Your every dream ...
Anything's Better Than Feeling The Blues lyrics
I sent myself a dozen roses Right before the office closes Just to make my girlfriends green with envy Ever since I lost you All the crazy things I do...
Anyway lyrics
You can spend your whole life buildin' Something from nothing. One storm could come and blow it all away, Build it anyway. You could chase a dream Tha...
Anyway [Russian translation]
Ты можешь провести всю жизнь, пытаясь построить Что-то из ничего. Может начаться буря и разрушить это, Пытайся построить это в любом случае. Ты можешь...
Being Myself lyrics
Sometimes I'm an ordinary girl, wrapped in my ordinary world. I just wanna listen to the rain and stay in bed all day. Other times I'm extraverted, sp...
Born to give my love to you lyrics
I don't know what brought us here Something in the stars said you and me I don't know where this feeling comes from Surely it was meant to be For I ha...
Born to give my love to you [Russian translation]
Я не знаю, что привело нас сюда, Что-то в звездах сказало о нас. Я не знаю, откуда пришло это чувство, Несомненно, так было суждено, Потому что я узна...
Broken Umbrella lyrics
Walkin' around, rain comin' down I don't mind at all. Let all the clouds, tear up and drown us Winter, spring, summer or fall Cause when I'm with you,...
Concrete Angel lyrics
She walks to school with the lunch she packed Nobody knows what she's holdin' back Wearin' the same dress she wore yesterday She hides the bruises wit...
Concrete Angel [Finnish translation]
Hän kävelee kouluun kera lounaan jonka pakkasi Kukaan ei tiedä mitä hän pidättelee Pukeutuneena samaan mekkoon joka hänellä oli päällä eilen Hän piilo...
Concrete Angel [French translation]
Elle marche vers l'école avec le déjeuner qu'elle a emballé, Personne ne sait ce qu'elle garde en elle, portant le même robe qu'elle a mise hier. Elle...
Concrete Angel [German translation]
Mit ihrem Lunchpacket geht sie in die Schule Niemand weiß, was sie für sich behält Sie trägt das gleiche Kleid wie gestern Die blauen Flecken versteck...
Concrete Angel [Italian translation]
Lei va a scuola con il sacchetto del pranzo Nessuno sa cosa nasconde Indossa lo stesso vestito indossato ieri Nasconde i lividi con lino e pizzo, oh I...
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